
Name Dept. Course # Section Term Instructors Notes
Livestock Management Department of Agribusiness 1105 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Livestock Management Department of Agribusiness BAB 1105 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Agricultural Mechanization Department of Agribusiness BAB 1204 SEMESTER II Access through login
Agric. Extention education Department of Agribusiness BAB1201
Food Science and Technology Department of Agribusiness BAB1205 SEMESTER II
Annual & perennial crops Department of Agribusiness BAB1206 SEMESTER II
Business ethics and Psychology Department of Agribusiness BAB1207 SEMESTER II
Iisa, Augustine
Poultry production, Management &value addition Department of Agribusiness BAB1208 SEMESTER II
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and enterprise MGT Department of Agribusiness BSA1208
Engineering mathematics Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering AMI 1101
Kilama, George
Modern Drainage Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering AMI 1101
Introduction to Agriculture Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering AMI 2303 SEMESTER III (RECESS)
IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering AMI 4101 SEMESTER I
Irrigation System Design & Management Department of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering AMI4101 SEMESTER I
Mugisha, Moses
Engineering Mechanics Department of Agro-processing and Engineering APE1102 SEMESTER III (RECESS)
Ssajja Ssali, Godfrey
Biochemistry Department of Animal Production and Management APM 1103 SEMESTER I Access by Registration
Microb &Parasitology Department of Animal Production and Management APM 1202 L/S SEMESTER II
Pathology & Immunology Department of Animal Production and Management APM 1203
Animal welfare Department of Animal Production and Management APM1201 SEMESTER II
Microb& parasitology Department of Animal Production and Management APM1202 L/S SEMESTER II
Animal Nutrition Department of Animal Production and Management APM1204 SEMESTER I
Feed technology and management Department of Animal Production and Management APM1205 SEMESTER II
Pasture Mgt Department of Animal Production and Management APM1206
Farm planning Department of Animal Production and Management APM1207 SEMESTER II
Livestock - Environment Interaction Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 1101 SEMESTER I Access by Registration
Biochemistry Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 1106 SEMESTER I Access by registration
Dairy and Beef Production Technology and Marketing Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2101 SEMESTER I Accessed by registered Users only
Principles of Ethno-pharmacology Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2102 SEMESTER I
RESEARCH PROJECT Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2103 SEMESTER I Access to only Registered users
RURAL SOCIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2104 SEMESTER I Accessed by only registered Users
Wildlife Ecology and Management Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2105 SEMESTER I
ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED TECHNOLOGY Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2106 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
POULTRY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2107 SEMESTER I
Livestock Health and Disease Management Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2201 SEMESTER II Access by registration
Gender, Nutrition and Sustainable Development Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2202 SEMESTER II Accessed by Registration
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2203 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
SMALL RUMINANT AND RABBIT PRODUCTION Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2204 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
HIDES AND SKINS TECHNOLOGY Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2205 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
APICULTURE TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2206 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
FISH FARMING AND MARKETING Department of Animal Production and Management DAP 2207 SEMESTER II Accessed by Registration
Principles of Agriculturural Economics & Entrepreneurship Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1201 SEMESTER II
Research methods & Biostatistics Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1202 SEMESTER II
Veterinary Parasitology & Entomology Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1203 SEMESTER II
Pasture production and management Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1205 SEMESTER II
Pig production and marketing Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1206 SEMESTER II
Veterinary Phamacology & Toxicology Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1207 SEMESTER II
Farm practices II Department of Animal Production and Management DAP1208 SEMESTER II
Poultry production and Marketing Department of Animal Production and Management DAP2107 SEMESTER I
Communications Skills Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1106 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Engineering mathematics I Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1101 SEMESTER I Acces by registration
Physical electronics Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1102 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Computer applications Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1103 SEMESTER I Access by logging in
Circuit Theory Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1104 SEMESTER I Access by registration
Engineering Mathematics II Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1201 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Digital electronics Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1202 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Electrical materials Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1203 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Computer programming II Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1204 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Fluid mechanics Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1205 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Statics & Dynamics Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 1206 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Engineering Mathematics III Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 2101 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Electrical machines and drives I Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 2103 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Electronics circuits Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 2104 Year II SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Measurement and instrumentation Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 2106 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Digital electronics II Department of Electrical Engineering BEE 2205 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Computer programming I Department of Electrical Engineering BEE1105 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
Communication skills Department of Electrical Engineering IDS1101, PTI 1105, SEMESTER I welcome to FSE Library course reserves
Thermodynamics Department of Electrical Engineering PTI 2203, BEE1207 SEMESTER II Accessed by registration
Engineering Drawing I Department of Electrical Engineering PTI1104, BEE 1107 SEMESTER I Accessed by registration
inverterbra biology Department of Biology 2103 Access in by registration
Essential Cell Biology Department of Biology BIO 1101 SEMESTER I
Principles and Fundamentals of Ecology Department of Biology BIO 1103 SEMESTER I
LOWER PLANTS: FORM AND STRUCTURE Department of Biology BIO 2101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
LOWER PLANTS: FORM AND STRUCTURE Department of Biology BIO 2101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Animal Histology & Physiology Department of Biology BIO 3101 SEMESTER I Welcome To FSE Library Course Reserve
CELL BIOLOGY Department of Biology BIO1101 SEMESTER I Access by registration
Basic genetics and evolution Department of Biology BIO1102 Access is by registration
Principles and fundamentals of ecology Department of Biology BIO1103 SEMESTER I Access is by registration
Entomology Department of Biology BIO2105 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Animal histology and physiology Department of Biology BIO3101 SEMESTER I Access is by registration
Food and human nutrition Department of Biology BIO3103 SEMESTER I Access is by registration
Immunology Department of Biology BIO3105 SEMESTER I Access is by registration
Physical Education and Sports Department of Biology PES 110 Physical Education SEMESTER I
Medical Nursing Department of Nursing BNS 321 SEMESTER I
TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY OPERATIONS Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management BTT 2102 SEMESTER I Access by login
EAST AFRICAN WILDLIFE Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management BTT 2103 SEMESTER I
Access by login
Introduction to Leisure and Recreation Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management BTT2101 SEMESTER I
Principles of Marketing Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management BTT3203 SEMESTER II Access by login
Sustainable Tourism Development Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management BTT3205 SEMESTER II Access by login
Programing Methodology 1 Department of Computer Studies CSB 1102 SEMESTER I
Internet and E-Commerce Department of Computer Studies CSB 1203 SEMESTER II
Biochemistry Department of Crop Production BSA 2102 SEMESTER II Access by Registration
Climate change & Agriculture Department of Crop Production BSA1201 SEMESTER II
Agronomy& Ecology Department of Crop Production BSA1202 SEMESTER II
Agricultral Extention Department of Crop Production BSA1204 SEMESTER II
Animal selection and biotechnology Department of Crop Production BSA1205
Horticulture Department of Crop Production BSA1207 SEMESTER II
Andiku, Charles
Mycology Department of Crop Production BSA124 INT SEMESTER II
Principles of Agriculture and Climatology Department of Crop Production DCP1101 SEMESTER I Access by registration
Annual Crop production Department of Crop Production DCP1102 SEMESTER I
Farm Practices 1 Department of Crop Production DCP1103 SEMESTER I
Computer application Department of Crop Production DCP1107 SEMESTER I
Agro forestry & Apiculture Department of Crop Production DCP2101 SEMESTER II
Introduction to Botany & physiology Department of Crop Production DCP2101 SEMESTER II
Sustainable Agriculture Department of Crop Production DCP2104 SEMESTER II
Extention Education. Rural Sociology and Gender Department of Crop Production DCP2105 SEMESTER II
Special project Department of Crop Production DCP2106 SEMESTER II
Microecomics II Department of Economics 3101 SEMESTER I Access by Registration
Introductory Microeconomics Department of Economics ECO 1101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics for Economics Department of Economics ECO 1102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Principles of Development Economics Department of Economics Eco 1103 SEMESTER I
Microeconomics 1 Department of Economics ECO 2101 SEMESTER I Access is by registration
Mathematical Economics Department of Economics ECO 2102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Microeconomics 1 Department of Economics ECO 2102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Agricultural Economics Department of Economics ECO 2104 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Macroeconomics 1 Department of Economics ECO 2201 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration
Labor Economics Department of Economics ECO 2203 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration
Environmental Economics Department of Economics ECO 2204 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration
Econometrics Department of Economics ECO 3102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Development Economics, Planning and Policy Planning Department of Economics ECO 3103 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
International Economics Department of Economics ECO 3104 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Public Sector Economics Department of Economics ECO 3105 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Foundations of teaching and Learning Department of Education PGHEP 4101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Abstract Algebra1 Department of Mathematics 21002
Mwase, Brian
Computer Literacy Department of Mathematics COS1101 SEMESTER I welcome to FSE Library course resrves
Introductory Micro Economics Department of Mathematics ECO 1101 SEMESTER I welcome to course reserve Fse library
CALCULUS I Department of Mathematics MAT1101 SEMESTER I
LINEAR ALGEBRA I Department of Mathematics MAT1102 SEMESTER I
Foundations of Mathematics Department of Mathematics MAT1103 SEMESTER I welcome to FSE course reserves
Calculus II Department of Mathematics MAT1201 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration.
Probability Theory 1 Department of Mathematics MAT1202 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration
PROBABILITY THEORY I Department of Mathematics MAT1202 SEMESTER II
Calculus III Department of Mathematics MAT1203 SEMESTER II Access is by Registration
Real Analysis I Department of Mathematics MAT2101 SEMESTER I welcome to FSE Library course reserves
Differential Equations I Department of Mathematics MAT2102 SEMESTER I Welcome to FSE Library Course Reserve
Linear Algebra II Department of Mathematics MAT2103 SEMESTER I Welcome to FSE library course reserves
Numerical Analysis II Department of Mathematics MAT3103 SEMESTER I Welcome to FSE Library Course Reserve.
Functional Analysis Department of Mathematics MAT3104 SEMESTER I Welcome to FSE Library Course Reserve
Real Analysis II Department of Mathematics MAT3105 SEMESTER I Welcome to FSE Library Course Reserve.
Number theory Department of Mathematics MAT3201 SEMESTER II welcome to FSE Library course reserves
The Medical Profession, Nationalism & Ethics Department of Medicine MED 1101 SEMESTER I
Human Behavior, Society and Health Department of Medicine MED 1103 SEMESTER I
Blood and Body Fluids Department of Medicine MED 1201 SEMESTER II
Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Department of Medicine MED 2102 SEMESTER I
Babine, Anita
Cells, Tissues and Body Systems Department of Medicine MED1104 SEMESTER I
Blood and Body Fluids Department of Medicine MED1201 SEMESTER I
Mathematical Concepts Department of Natural Resorces Economics 1101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Industrial Ecology Department of Natural Resorces Economics 2101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Resource Economics Department of Natural Resorces Economics 2104 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration.
Sustainable Natural Resources Management Department of Natural Resorces Economics 2105 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration.
Introductory Statistics Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 1102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Computer Applications Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 1108 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Environmental Sociology Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 1205
Nyangoma, Immeldah
Accessed by registration
Research Methods Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 2102 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 2103 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Applied Statistics Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 2108 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Project Planning & Management Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 3103 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Climate Change Economics Department of Natural Resorces Economics FNE 3104 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Soil and Geomorphology Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE 1101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Microeconomics Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE 1103 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Wildlife Resource Economics Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE 3101 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Environmeantal Policy and Law Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE 3103 SEMESTER I Access is by Registration
Macroeconomics Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE1201 SEMESTER II
SYSTEMS ECOLOGY Department of Natural Resorces Economics NRE1202
Kifumba, David
Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Pharmacy and Pharmacology MED 4301 SEMESTER III (RECESS)
Basic Pharmacology and Introduction to Therapeutics Pharmacy and Pharmacology MED/BNS/BNA2203 SEMESTER II
Electricity and Magnetism Department of Physics PHY1203: 3(2-1) SEMESTER II
Environmental Physics I Department of Physics PHY2105: 3(3-0) SEMESTER I
Polymer Processing Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering 3102 SEMESTER I
Knitting Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering 3103 SEMESTER I
Design of Machine Elements Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PIT3105 SEMESTER I
Fibre Science and Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI 1206 SEMESTER II
Engineering Mathematics I Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1101 SEMESTER I
Igga, Huzairu
Access by login
Computer Applications Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1102 SEMESTER I
Organic Chemistry Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1103 SEMESTER I
Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1106 SEMESTER I
Engineering Mechanics Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1107 SEMESTER I
Electrical Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1202 SEMESTER II
Kilama, George
Production technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1203 SEMESTER II
Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1204 SEMESTER II
Odong, Samuel
Fibre Science and Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1205 SEMESTER II
Kamalha, Edwin
Fibre Science and Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1206 SEMESTER II
Igga, Huzairu
Vocational Training Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI1207 SEMESTER III (RECESS)
Electrical Machines and Devices Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2102 SEMESTER I
Kilama, George
Polymer Chemistry Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2104 SEMESTER I
Spinning Methods and Yarn Engineering Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2105 SEMESTER I
Kamalha, Edwin
Tumusiime, Godias
Materials Science and Engineering Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2106 SEMESTER I
Electronic Devices Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2201 SEMESTER II
Polymer Science and Engineering Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2202 SEMESTER II
Mechanics of Materials Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2204 SEMESTER II
Weaving Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2205 SEMESTER II
Tumusiime, Godias
Heat and Mass Transfer Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2206 SEMESTER II
Musinguzi, Wilson
Material Science Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2207 SEMESTER II
Industrial Training I Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI2208 SEMESTER II
Production Planning and Control Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3101 SEMESTER I
Gender Studies Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3104 SEMESTER I
Research Methods Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3106 SEMESTER I
Theory of Textile Structures Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3107 SEMESTER I
Product Design and Development Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3201 SEMESTER II
Non-Woven and paper Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3202 SEMESTER II
Textile Wet Processing Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3203 SEMESTER II
CAD/CAE Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3204 SEMESTER II
Control Systems and Instrumentation Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3205 SEMESTER II
Entrepreneurship Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3206 SEMESTER II
Soft Computing Simulation Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3207 SEMESTER II
Industrial Training II Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI3208 SEMESTER III (RECESS)
Industrial Textiles Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4101 SEMESTER I
Business Management Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4102 SEMESTER I
Maintenance Engineering Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4103 SEMESTER I
Operations Research Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4104 SEMESTER I
Quality Control and Assurance Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4105 SEMESTER I
Final Year Project I Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4107 SEMESTER I
Leather and Footwear Technology Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4108 SEMESTER I
Woven Textile Design Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4110 SEMESTER I
Energy Conservation and Management Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4201 SEMESTER II
Engineering Ethics Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4202 SEMESTER II
Engineering Ethics Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4202 SEMESTER II
Environmental Health and Safety Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4203 SEMESTER II
Engineering Economic and Financial Accounting Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4204 SEMESTER II
Final Year Project Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4205 SEMESTER II
Human Factor Engineering Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4207 SEMESTER II
Project Planning and Management Department of Polymer, Textile And Industrial Engineering PTI4207 SEMESTER II
Engineering Mathematics 1 Department of Water Resource Engineering and Mining Engineering WAR 1121 SEMESTER I Welcome to FoET course reserves
Engineering Mathematics I Department of Water Resource Engineering and Mining Engineering MEB 1101 SEMESTER I
Kilama, George
MINING AND WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Department of Water Resource Engineering and Mining Engineering WAR (ALL)
Engineering Mathematics I Department of Water Resource Engineering and Mining Engineering WAR 1121 SEMESTER I Welcome to FoET course reserves
Engineering Mechanics Department of Water Resource Engineering and Mining Engineering WAR 1122 SEMESTER I Welcome to FoET course reserves