Psychology ;

Lefton, Lester A.

Psychology ; Lester A. Lefton and Linda Brannon - 9th edition - Boston, Pearson : c 2006. - xxii,696 p. : ill. ( col. ) ; 28 cm.


Chapter 1
What is psychology ?
How accurate is the image of psychology ?
How did psychology begin ?
What trends currently shape psychology ?
Who are those peaple called psychologists ?

Chapter 2
The science of psychology
What makes psychology a science /
What research methods do psychologists use ?
How do psychologists evaluate their research findings ?
What ethical principles guide psychology research ?

Chapter 4
Child development
What are the central issues of development ?
How does physical development proceed ?
How does thought develop /

Chapter 5
Adolescence and adulthood
How do adolescents bridge the gap to adulthood ?
Is adulthood a time of stability or change ?
Do we grow older and wiser in late adulthood /

Chapter 6
How are stimulation and perception linked ?
How do we see the world ?
How do we perceive form and substance ?
How do we perceive sounds ?

Chapter 7
What is Consciousness ?
What happens when we sleep ?
What are dreams and what do they mean ?
Is it possible to control consciousness by using biofeedback,Hypnosis, or meditation ?

Chapter 8
What type of learning is pavlovian, or classical, conditioning ?
What are the key variables in classical conditioning ?
What type of learning is operant conditioning ?
What are the key variables in operant conditioning ?
Can learning occur through observation ?

Chapter 9
How does the memory process begin ?
What are the types of memory storage ?
What influences memory retrieval ?
What causes people to forget ?

Chapter 10
Cognitive psychology
What is cognitive psychology /
How do we form concepts and solve problems ?
How do we reason and make decisions ?
Chapter 11
What are the origins and history of psychological testing ?
What is intelligence ?
How do psychologists develop tests ?
How do biological and environmental factors contribute to intelligence ?

Chapter 12
Motivation and emotion
What is motivation ?
How does motivation affect behavior ?
What is emotion ?
How does emotion affect behavior ?

Chapter 13
Personality and its assessment
What is personality ?
What is the psychodynamic approach to personality ?
Can personality be learned ?
What are trait and type theories of personality ?
What characterizes the humanistic approach to personality ?

Chapter 14
Social psychology
What is the social self ?
How are attitudes related to behavior ?
How do people relate to each other ?

Chapter 15
Stress and health psychology
What is stress ?
How do people cope with stress ?
What is health psychology ?

Chapter 16
Psychological disorders
What is abnormal behavior ?
What are anxiety disorders ?
What are mood disorders ?
What are dissociative disorders ?

Includes Index.


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