Instructor's manual for understanding nutrition eighth edition by Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rolfes /

Rhiner, Mary

Instructor's manual for understanding nutrition eighth edition by Eleanor Noss Whitney and Sharon Rolfes / Mary Rhiner, Lori W. Turner, Margaret Hedley - 8th edition - Belmot, CA : West/Wardsworth, c1999 - varying pages ; 29 cm

1. Overview of nutrition
2. Planning a healthy diet
3. Digestion, Absorption and Transport
4. The carbohydrates
5. The lipids
6. Proteins
7. Metabolism
8. Energy Balance and Body composition
9. Weight control
10. Vitamins
11. Minerals
12. Physical fitness
13. Life cycle nutrition
14. Diet and health
15. Consumer concerns about foods
16. Hunger and global environmental problems


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