Sociallist Management : the Leninist Concept /

Varlamov , K .

Sociallist Management : the Leninist Concept / K. Varlamov - Moscow, Progress publishers : c 1977 . - 299 p .: ill .: 23 cm.


Chapter I.
The Marxist- Leninist Assessment of the material prerequisites of socialism and of scientific management
1. Capitalist socialisation of production, its stages and main organizational forms
2. Material preparation of socialism
3. Anti - Marxist ' Modification of the social essence of management under imperialism

Chapter II.
Management and the interaction of the objective and subjective prerequisites of socialism
1. Origins of the leading activities of the communists party
2. Lenin's critisms of revisionists of revisionist organisational concepts
3. The birth and maturing of elements in the system of socialist management

Chapter III.
Development by Lenin of the concept of socialist management
1. Two approaches to administering the country after the October revolution
2. Building socialism: a controlled process

Chapter IV.
The Marxist-Leninist principles of the socialisation of Labour and the means of production as the economic basis of socialist management
1. Lenin's approach to the socialisation problem
2. Ways of organising agricultural production
3. Change in the essense and relationship of spontaneous and conscious management factors

Chapter V.
Democratic centralism, the basic principle of socialist management
1. The socialist economy and socialist democracy develop in a close relationship, Democracy as a method of administration
2. Overcoming Anarcho-Syndicalist and a centralist bureaucratic trends in administering the country.

Chapter VI.
Lenin on the dictatorship of the proletariat
1. The dictatorship of the proletariat: a system of governmental and Non-governmental organizations
2. The contents of party leadership as defined by Lenin
3. The communist Party; Highest form of social organization


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