Sears list of subject headings /

Sears list of subject headings / editors, Joseph Miller ; associate editor, Joan Goodsell - 18th edition - New York : H.W. Wilson Co., 2004. - li, 804 p. ; 27 cm.

Principles of the Sears List .
1. The Purpose of Subject Cataloging.
2. Determining the Subject of the Work .
3. Specific and Direct Entry.
4. Types of Subject Headings .
4. A. Topical Headings .
4. B. Form Headings . .
4. C. Geographic Headings .
4. D. Names .
5. The Grammar of Subject Heading .
5. A. The Forms of Headings.
5. A. i. Single Nouns .
5. A. ii. Compound Headings .i
5. A. iii. Adjectives with Nouns .
5. A. iv. Phrase Headings .
5. B. Subdivisions . .
5. B. i. Topical Subdivisions .
5. B. ii. Geographic Subdivisions .
5. B. iii. Chronological Subdivisions .
5. B. iv. Form Subdivisions .
5. B. v. The Order of Subdivisions . .
5. B. vi. Geographic Headings Subdivided by Topic .
6. Some Difficult Areas of Application .
6. A. Biography .
6. A. i. Collective Biographies .
6. A. ii. Individual Biographies
6. B. Nationalities .
6. C. Literature .
6. C. i. Works about Literature
6. C. ii. Literary Works .
6. C. iii. Themes in Literature .
6. D. Wars and Events .
6. E. Native Americans .
6. F. Government Policy .
6. G. Mythology and Folklore
6. H. Nonbook Materials .
7. Classification and Subject Headings .
8. Maintaining a Catalog .
8. A. Adding New Headings
8. B. Revising Subject Headings .
8. C. Making References .
8. C. i. See References .
8. C. ii. See also References
8. C. iii. General References
8. D. Recording Headings and References .
9. Cataloging in the Twenty-first Century
10. Bibliography.
Headings to be Added by the Cataloger
“Key” Headings
List of Canceled and Replacement Headings
The Use of Subdivisions in the Sears List
List of Subdivisions Provided for in the Sears List
Symbols Used
Sears List of Subject Headings

Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxviii-xxix).



Subject headings.

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