Rainwater harvest for domestic use /

Worm, Janette

Rainwater harvest for domestic use / Janette Worm, Tim van Hattum - 1st edition - Wageningen : Agromisa foundation and CTA, 2006 - 84 p. : ill. ; 30 cm - Agrodok 43 .

1. Introduction

2. Need for rainwater harvesting
2.1 Reasons for rainwater harvest
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages

3. Basic Principles of rainwater harvesting
3.1 Definition
3.2 Catchment Surface
3.3 Delivery System
3.4 Storage reservoirs

4. Pr-conditions for rainwater harvesting
4.1 Environmental Considerations
4.2 Technical Aspects
4.3 Water Consumption and water management
4.4 Social and gender aspects
4.5 Is rainwater harvesting suitable for me?

5. Designing a rainwater harvesting system
5.1 Step 1: Total Amount of required and available rainwater
5.2 Step 2: Designing your catchment area
5.3 Step 3: Designing your Delivery System
5.4 Step 4: Sizing your Storage reservoir
5.5 Step 5: Selection of a suitable storage reservoir design

6. Materials, construction and cost of storage reservoir
6.1 Selecting the most appropriate storage reservoir
6.2 Available Material Costs
6.3 Water extraction devices and tank overflow
6.4 Describing and example of some rainwater reservoir

7. Water Quality aspects
7.1 Protecting water quality
7.2 Filters
7.3 First-flush
7.4 Treatment of stored water

8. Usage and Maintenance
8.1 Regular Maintenance
8.2 Infrequent and annual tasks

Includes Bibliography : p. 76 - 77

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Water for domestic use

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