MATLAB programming /

Singh, Kirani Y.

MATLAB programming / Y. Kirani Singh, B.B. Chaudhuri - New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India, c2007 - xvii, 370 p. : ill. ; 31cm


Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Starting MATLAB
1.2 Closing MATLAB
1.3 Getting acquitted with MATLAB windows
1.4 Data Types in MATLAB
1.5 Variables

Chapter 2 Common system commands and mathematical operators

2.1 Commonly used system commands
2.2 Operating System Command Executor
2.3 Storing results of the system Command
2.4 Saving Commands of MATLAB session(diary)
2.5 Managing workspace

Chapter3 Handling of Arrays

3.1 Creating an Array
3.2 Accessing Elements of an array
3.3 Regular arrays
3.4 Expanding and reducing an array
3.5 The length and Size of Functions

Chapter 4 Handling of Matrices

4.1 Creating a matrix
4.2 Accessing elements of a Matrix
4.3 The Length and Size of a Matrix
4.4 The Maximum, Minimum and Mean of a matrix
4.5 Expanding and reducing the size of a matrix

Chapter 5 Strings, Time and date

5.1 String as an array of character
5.2 Conversion from ASCII to characters and Vice Versa
5.3 Displaying printable ASCII Characters
5.4 Concatenation of Strings
5.5 Accessing the rows and Columns of a Character array

Chapter 6 Cell Arrays and Structures

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Creating cell arrays
6.3 Accessing the content of cell arrays
6.4 Displaying Contents of cell arrays
6.5 Deletion on a cell array

Chapter 7 Programming in MATLAB, M-FILE Scripts

7.1 Introduction to M-file Scripts
7.2 Creating, Saving and running an M-file
7.3 Opening and Modifying an existing M-file
7.4 Writing and Executing the first Script File
7.5 Variables of a Script File

Chapter 8 Programing in MATLAB, M-fILE Functions

8.1 Basic parts of a function
8.2 Creating and running of a function
8.3 A function and its work space
8.4 Function based on arguments
8.5 Types of Variables in Functions

Chapter 9 File I/O Handling in MATLAB

9.1 The fopen Function
9.2 The Fclose Function
9.3 Writing to a text file Using Fprintf
9.4 Reading from a text file Using fscanf
9.5 Reading input from keyboard Using sscanf

Bibliography : p. 365-366 . _ Index: p. 367-370


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