The great marketing turnaround : the age of the individual, and how to profit from it /

Rapp, Stan.

The great marketing turnaround : the age of the individual, and how to profit from it / Stan Rapp, and Tom Collins. - New York : Plume, [1992] - xiv, 336 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.


Chapter 1. Trouble in the Market place
Chapter 2. Time for Turnaround Thinking
Chapter 3. From Unknown to Identified Prospects and Customers
Turnaround Trend No. 1
Chapter 4. From Creative-Driven to Response-Driven
Turnaround Trend No.2
Chapter 5. From "Steam-Rollering" the Market to filling each Niche
Turnaround Trend No. 3
Chapter 6. From Ad Impressions counted to New Customers Won
Turnaround Trend No.4
Chapter 7. Form Advertising Monologue to Consumer dialogue
Turnaround Trend No.5
Chapter 8. From Bombarding the Marketplace to building Relationship
Turnaround Trend No. 6
Chapter 9. From Passive Consumers to involved participants
Turnaround Trend No. 7
Chapter 10. From Mass Marketing to Direct mass Marketing
Turnaround Trend No. 8
Chapter 11. From U.S. P. to E.V. P.
Turnaround Trend No. 9
Chapter 12. From Single- Channel to multi-Channel Distribution
Turnaround Trend No. 10
Chapter 13. The Best and the Boldest
Chapter 14. The Future of the Great Turnaround and your part in it

Includes bibliographical references (p. 314-321) and index.


Sales promotion.

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