Law enforcement and Intelligence Jobs/ Your complete guide to where the jobs are and how to get them/

Hancock Robert.

Law enforcement and Intelligence Jobs/ Your complete guide to where the jobs are and how to get them/ Hancock Robert. - 3rd edition - United States of America, Broughton Hall Inc, 1992. - 220; P. : ill; 28 cm.

Table of contents
1.0 Forward
2.0 Introduction
3.0 Beginning with basics - the police officer
4.0 Police administration and criminal investigation
5.0 State troopers, highway patrolmen
6.0 Federal bureau of prisons
7.0 Treasure enforcement agent

8.0 The united states marshal's service
8.1 Court security
8.2 Fugitive Investigations of prisoners
8.3 Receipt and processing of prisoners
8.4 Witness security program
8.5 Asset seizure and forfeiture

9.0 Drug enforcement administration

10.0 Federal bureau of investigation
10. Non-agent positions with the FBI
10.2 Specialty position
10.3 Clerical /general support positions

11.0 The federal law enforcement training center (FLETC)
12.0 Working for the central Intelligence central Intelligence agency
12.1 The directorate of administration
12.2 The directorate of science and Technology
12.3 The directorate of Intelligence

13.0 A secure future in security
14.4 Conclusion


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