Effective COM : 50 ways to improve your COM and MTS-based applications /

Effective COM : 50 ways to improve your COM and MTS-based applications / Don Box . . . [et al.]. - Reading, Mass : Addison-Wesley, c1999. - xv, 222 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Addison-Wesley object technology series .


Shifting from C++ to COM
1. Define your Interface Before you Define Your Classes (and do it in IDL).
2. Design with Distribution in Mind
3. Objects should not Have their Own Interface
4. Beware the COM Singleton
5. Don't Allow C++ Exception to Cross Method Boundaries

6. Interfaces are Syntax and Loose Semantics. Both are Immutable
7. Avoid E_NOTIMPL.
8. Prefer Typed Data to Opeque Data
9. Avoid Connection Points
10. Don't Provide More than One Implementation of the same Interface on a Single Object

18. Code Defensively
19. Always Initialize [ out ] Parameters
20. Don't Use Interface Pointers that Have not Been AddRef ' ed
21. Use Static_Cast when Bridging Between the C++ Type System and the COM Type System
22. Smart Interface Pointers add at least as Much Complexity as they Remove

29. Don't Access Raw Interface Pointers Across Apartment Boundaries
30. Whe Passing an Interface Pointer Between One MTA Thread and Another, Use AddRef .
31. User-Interface Threads and Objects Must Run in Single-Threaded Apartments (STAs).
32. Avoid Creating Threads from an in-Process Server
33. Beware the Free-Threaded Marshaler (FTM).

38. CoInitializeSecurity is Your Friend. Learn it, Love it, Call it.
39. Avoid AS-Activator Activation
40. Avoid Impersonation
41. Use Fine-Grained Authentication
42. Use Fine-Grained Access Control

43. Keep Transactions as Short as Possible
44. Always Use SafeRef When Handing out Pointers to your Own Object
45. Don't Share Object References Across Activity Boundaries
46. Beware of Exposing Object References from the Middle of a Transaction Hierarchy
47. Beware of Committing a Transaction Implicitly

Includes : index: p. 205-222


Microsoft Transaction server.

Application software--Development.
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
COM (Computer architecture)

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