Nutrition prescription : strategies for preventing & treating 50 common diseases /

Morgan, Brian L.G.

Nutrition prescription : strategies for preventing & treating 50 common diseases / Brian L.G. Morgan - New York : Crown Publishers, Inc., c1987 - x, 341 p. ; 22 cm.

Includes index


1. Acne and other skin problems
2. Alcoholism
3. Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia
4. Anemia
5. Anorexia nervosa
6. Artheroscerosis
7. Breast, endometrial and cervical cancer
8. Broncitis and emphysema
9. Bruising
10. Bulimia
11. Celiac disease
12. Colitis
13. Colon and rectal cancer
14. Constipation and diverticular disease
15. Crohn's disease
16. Dental decay
17. Depression
18. Diabetes
19. Diarrhea
20. Epilepsy
21. Extended immobilization
22. Food allergies
23. Food poisoning
24. Gallbladder disease
25. Gastroenteritis or gastritis
26. Gout
27. Heartburn and hiatal hernia
28. Hemorrhoids
29. Hypertension
30. Hypoglycemia
31. Hypoglycemia
32. Insomia
33. Irritable bowel syndrome
34. Kidney stones
35. Lactose intolerance
36. Migraine headaches
37. Obesity and overweight
38. Osteoarthritis
39. Osteoporosis
40. Overactive thyroid
41. Parkinson's disease
42. Peptic ulcer
43. Periodontal disease
44. Premenstrual tension syndrome
45. Prostate cancer
46. Rheumatoid arthritis
47. Sluggish thyroid
48. Stomach and esophageal cancer
49. Traveler's diarrhea or dysentery
50. Underweight


Diet therapy

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