Data structures and program design in C++ /

Kruse, Robert L.

Data structures and program design in C++ / Robert L. Kruse & Alexander J. Ryba. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, Inc., c1999. - xvii, 717 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.


1 Programming principles
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The game of life
1.3 Programming style
1.4 Coding,Testing, and further refinement
1.5 Program maintenance

2 Introduction to stacks
2.1 Stack specifications
2.2 Implementation of stacks
2.3 Application:A desk calculator
2.4 Application: Bracket matching
2.5 Abstract data types and their implementations

3 Queues
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Implementation of queues
3.3 Circular implementation of queues in c++
3.4 Demonstration and testing

4 Linked stacks and queues
4.1 Pointers and linked structures
4.2 Linked stacks
4.3 Linked stacks with safeguards
4.4 Linked queues
4.5 Application: Polynomial arithmetic
4.6 Abstract data types and their implementations

5 Recursion
5.1 Introduction to recursion
5.2 Principles of recursion
5,3 Backtracking: Postponing the work
5.4 Tree-structured programs: look -ahead in games

6. Lists and strings
6.1 List definition
6.2 Implementation of lists
6.3 Strings
6.4 Application: A text editor

7. Searching
7.1 Searching: Introduction and notation
7.2 Sequential search
7.3 Binary search
7.4 Comparison trees

8. Sorting
8.1 Introduction and notation
8.2 Insertion sort
8.3 Selection sort
8.4 Shell sort

9. Tables and information retrieval
9.1 Introduction: Breaking the ig n barrier
9.2 Rectangular tables
9.3 Tables of various shapes
9.4 Tables: A new abstract data type

10. Binary trees
10.1 binary trees
10.2 Binary search trees
10.3 Building a binary search tree

11. Multiway trees
11.1 Orchards, trees, and binary trees
11.2 Lexicographic search trees: Tries
11.3 External searching: B-trees

12. Graphs
12.1 Mathematical background
12.2 Computer representation
12.3 Graph traversal

13. Case study: The polish notation
13.1 The problem
13.2 The idea
13.3 Evaluation of polish extensions

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9780137689958 0137689950


C++ (Computer program language)
Data structures (Computer science)

005.133 / KRU