The healthy heart /

Fisher, Arthur, 1931-

The healthy heart / by Arthur Fisher and the editors of Time-Life Books. - Alexandria, Va. : Morristown, N.J. : Time-Life Books ; school and library distribution by Silver Burdett Co., c1981. - 176 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Library of health .

Includes Bibliography : p. 172. and index: p. 174 - 176

1. The Great Plague of the 20th Century
2. How not to get heart diseases
3. Tracking down the Cholesterol Connection
4. A spectrum of ills and remedies
5. New-found Prowess of the Surgeon
6. How to get over a broken heart

080943752X 0809437511 (lib. bdg.) 0809437503 (retail ed.)



WG 200 F533h 1981