Linux socket programming by example /

Gay, Warren W.

Linux socket programming by example / Warren W. Gay. - Indiana : Que, c2000. - xv, 558 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Table of Content

Part 1 Basic Socket Concepts
1 Introducing Sockets
A Brief Historical Introduction
Understanding Sockets
Comparing Sockets to Pipes
Creating Sockets, etc.

2 Domain and Address Families
Nameless Sockets
Understanding Domains, etc.

3 Address Conversion Function
Internet IP Numbers
Allocating IP Addresses
Manipulating IP Numbers, etc.

4 Socket Types and Protocols
Specifying the Domain of a Socket
Using the Socket Type
Choosing a Socket Type, etc.

5 Binding Addresses to a Socket
The purchase of the bind Function
Using the bind function, etc.

6 Connection less-Oriented Protocols
The Methods of Communication
Performing Input/ Output of Data grams, etc.

7 Connection -Oriented Protocols for Clients
Reviewing the Methods of Communication
Internet Services
Consulting the / etc/ protocols file, etc.

8 Connection -Oriented Protocols for Servers
Understanding the Role of the Servers
The Listen Function
The accept Function Call, etc.

9 Host name and Network Name Hookups
Understanding the Need for Names
Using the uname Function
Obtaining Hostnames and Domain Names, etc.

Part 2 Advanced Socket Programming
10 Using Standard 1/0 on Sockets
Understanding the need for standard I/O on sockets
Associating a socket with a stream

11 Concurrent Client Server
Understanding the multiple-client problem
Overview of server functions
using fork(2) to service multiple clients

12 Socket Options
Getting socket options
Setting socket options

13 Broadcasting with UDP
Understanding broadcast addresses
Broadcasting from a server
Receiving broadcasts

14 Out-of-Band Data
Defining out of band
Understanding the need for out of band data
Sockets and out of band data

15 Using the inetd Daemon
Steps common to most servers
Introducing inetd
Implementing a simple stream tcp server

16 Network Security Programming
Defining security
The challenges of security
Identifying friend or foe

17 Passing Credentials and File Descriptors
Problem statement
Introducing ancillary data
Introducing I/O vectors

18 A Practical Network Project
Problem statement
Solving the quote service problem
Examining the quote server program

Includes index : p. 537-558

9780789722416 0789722410

Operating systems (Computers)
Client/server computing.
Programming by example (Computer science)

005.268 / GAY