Parcel, Guy S.

Basic emergency care of the sick and injured / [Guy S. Parcel. - 3rd edition. - St. Louis : Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1986. - xxi, 326 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


Introduction to first aid in emergency care

Section 1: Parameters for administering first aid in emergency care
1. General procedures for emergency care
2. Legal considerations involved in emergency care by nonmedical providers

Section 2: Cardiopulmonary emergencies
3. Cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation
4. Respiratory emergencies
5. Cardiac emergencies

Section 3: Trauma emergencies
6. Prevention and care of shock
7. Management of wounds and hemorrhaging
8. Poisoning and toxic reactions
9. Burns
10. Cold injury
11. Musculoskeletal injuries
12. Head, neck and facial injuries

Section 4: Medical emergencies
13. Sudden illness
14. Heat-related illness and emergencies
15. Psychological emergencies
16. Obstetrical and gynecological emergencies

Section 5: Application of emergency care skills and principles
17. Bandaging techniques
18. Transportation and extraction techniques

Includes bibliographies and index.

0801638313 (pbk.)


First aid in illness and injury.
Medical emergencies.
First Aid.

616.0252 / PAR