Ibach, H.,

Solid-state physics : an introduction to principles of materials science / Harald Ibach, Hans Lüth. - 4th edition. - Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2009. - xiv, 533 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


1 Chemical bonding in solids
1.1 The periodic table of the elements
1.2 Covalent bonding
1.3 Ionic bonding
1.4 Metallic bonding

2 Structure of solid matter
2.1 The crystal Lattice
2.2 Point symmetry
2.3 The 32 crystal glasses
2.4 The significance of symmetry

3 Diffraction from periodic structures
3.1 general theory of diffraction
3.2 Periodic structures and the reciprocal Lattice
3.3 The scattering conditions for periodic structures
3.4 The Bragg interpretation of Laue condition

4 Dynamics of atoms in crystals
4.1 The potential
4.2 The equation of motion
4.3 The diatomic linear chain
4.4 Scattering from time varying structures

5 Thermal properties
5.1 The density of states
5.2 The thermal energy of a harmonic oscillator
5.3 The specific heat capacity
5.4 Effects due to anharmonicity

6 "Free" electrons in solids
6.1 The free-electron gas in an infinite square well potential
6.2 The Fermi gas at T = 0K
6.3 Fermi statistics
6.4 The specific heat capacity of electrons in metals

7 The electronic bandstructure of solids
7.1 General symmetry
7.2 The nearly free-electron approximation
7.3 The tight binding approximation
7.4 Examples of bandstructures

8 Magnetism
8.1 Diamagnetism and paramagnetism
8.2 The exchange interaction
8.3 Exchange interaction between free electrons
8.4 The band model of ferromagnetism

9 Motion of electrons and transport phenomena
9.1 Motion of electrons in bands and the effective mass
9.2 Currents in bands and holes
9.3 Scattering of electrons in bands
9.4 The Boltzmann equation and relaxation time

10 Superconductivity
10.1 Some fundamental phenomena associated with superconductivity
10.2 Phenomenological description by means of the London equations
10.3 Instability of the "Fermi Sea" and cooper pairs
10.4 The BCS ground state

11 Dielectric properties of materials
11.1 The dielectric function
11.2 Absorption of electromagnetic radiation
11.3 the dielectric function for a harmonic oscillator
11.4 Longitudinal and transverse normal modes

12 Semiconductors
12.1 Data of a number of important semiconductors
12.2 Charge carrier density in intrinsic semiconductors
12.3 Doping of semiconductors
12.4 Carrier densities in doped semiconductors

References : p. 517 - 526 . _ Index : p. 527 - 533



Solid state physics.

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