Pirozzi, Richard C.

Strategies for reading and study skills / Richard Pirozzi. - Lincolnwood, Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, c1995. - xiv, 430 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Part 1 Study and classroom skills

Chapter 1 Getting started
Setting your long-range goals
Managing your time
Getting support at home and at school
Setting specific study goals improving
Finding a place to study

Chapter 2 Effective classroom note taking
Lecture 1: Effective classroom note taking
Lecture 2: Introduction to the middle east
Lecture 3: The nursing process

Chpater 3 Effective test taking
Lecuter: Effectivetest taking
Preparing for the test
Taking the test
What to do after the test

Part 2 Dealing effectively with textbook material
Chapter 4 Vocabulary
Using the context
Using word parts
Using glossary
Using the dictionary
Learning and reviewing

Chapter Finding topics and main ideas
The bmain idea as the first sentence
The main idea as the last sentence
The main idea between the first last sentence
The main idea as two sentence
The main idea that covers more than one paragraph

Chapter 6 Finding major and minor details
Identifying deatils

Chapter 7 Recognizing patterns of organization
Simple listing of facts
Form 1: Numbered within one paragraph
Form2: Number over one tha one paragraph
Form 3: Unnumbererd within one paragraph
From 4: Unnumberred over more than one paragraph
Chronical oder

Chapter 8 Organizing textbook material
Making diagrams (mapping)
Summarizing and paragraphing

Chapter 9 Uisnug inference
Reading between the lines (exercise 1)
Making educated guesses (exercise 2)
Developing inference questions (exercies3 )

Chapter 10 Five to effective textbook reading
Step 1 Overview the textbook
Step 2 Preview each chapter beofore reading
Step 3 Construct a broad topic outline of teh chapter
Step 4 Turn chapter headings into questions and read to find the answer
Special feature: Front matter and chapter 8 the college textbook tools for technical and professional communication

Part 3 Change of pace reading
Section 1 The dark menace
Section 2 The experience of lifetime
Section 3 The trajectories of genius
Section 4 Why run
Section 5 With no parents, Ladeeta, 18, presses on

Includes bibliographical references

0844258237 9780844258232

Reading Higher education
Study skills.

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