Decision making in oncology : evidence-based management / edited by Benjamin Djulbegović, Daniel M. Sullivan ; with a special contribution by Geetha Joseph. - New York : Churchill Livingstone, 1997. - xxii, 543 p. ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.


I. Introduction.
II. Hematology/Oncology.
II. Skin Tumors.
IV. Head and Neck Tumors.
V. Cancers that Are Difficult to Classify.
VI. Lung Cancer.
VII. Gastrointestinal Cancer.
VIII. Endocrine Tumors.
IX. Breast Cancer.
X. Gynecologic Cancers.
XI. Genitourinary Cancer.
XII. Central Nervous System Tumors.
XIV. Sarcomas.
XIV. Supportive Care of the Cancer Patient.
XV. Management of the Critical Conditions in Oncology.

0443089892 (alk. paper) 9780443089893

Oncology--Decision making.
Cancer--Decision making.
Medical protocols.
Evidence-based medicine.
Evidence-Based Medicine.

QZ 241 D294 1997