Perry, Anne Griffin.

Clinical nursing skills & techniques / Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia A. Potter. - 3rd edition - St. Louis : Mosby, c1994. - xvii, 1198 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.


UNIT I. Admitting, Discharge, and recording
UNITII. Safety and comfort
UNITIII. Hygiene
UNIT IV. Vital Signs and Physical Assessment
UNIT V. Oxygenation
UNIT VI. Medications
UNIT VII. Fluid balance
UNIT VIII. Nutrition
UNIT IX. Elimination
UNIT X. Posture, Mobility, and Ambulation
UNIT XI. Infection control
UNIT XII. Care of the Surgical Client
UNIT XIII. Dressings and wound care
UNIT XIV. Special procedures

0801670071 9780801670077

Nursing--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Nursing Care--handbooks.

WY 49 P462c 1994