Essentials of musculoskeletal care / American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ; American Academy of Pediatrics ; edited by April D. Armstrong, . . . [et al]. - 5th edition. - xx, 1291 p. : ill. (Some col.) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Table of contents

Section 1: General orthopaedics. Overview of general orthopaedics --
Principles of musculoskeletal evaluation --
Amputations of the lower extremity --
Anesthesia for orthopaedic surgery --
Arthritis: osteoarthritis --
Complementary and alternative medicine therapies for osteoarthritis --
Arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis --
Arthritis: seronegative spondyloarthropathies --
Compartment syndrome --
Complex regional pain syndrome --
Concussion: sports-related --
Crystal deposition diseases --
Deep vein thrombosis --
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis --
Drugs: corticosteroid injections --
Drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs --
Falls and traumatic injuries in the elderly patient --
Fibromyalgia syndrome --
Fracture evaluation and management principles --
Fracture healing --
Fracture splinting principles --
Imaging: principles and techniques --
Infection: osteomyelitis --
Infection: septic arthritis --
Lyme disease --
Osteoporosis --
Overuse syndromes --
Pain management in the orthopaedic patient --
Pain: nonorganic symptoms and signs --
Preoperative evaluation of medical comorbidities --
Rehabilitation and therapeutic modalities --
Musculoskeletal conditioning: helping patients prevent injury and stay fit --
Home exercise program for shoulder conditioning --
Home exercise program for hip conditioning --
Home exercise program for knee conditioning --
Home exercise program for foot and ankle conditioning --
Home exercise program for lumbar spine conditioning --
Rehabilitation: canes, crutches, and walkers --
Sports medicine evaluation and management principles --
Sprains and strains --
Tumors of bone --

Section 2: Shoulder. Overview of the shoulder --
Home exercise program for shoulder conditioning --
Physical examination of the shoulder --
Acromioclavicular injuries --
Home exercise program for acromioclavicular injuries --
Procedure: acromioclavicular joint injection --
Arthritis of the shoulder --
Burners and other brachial plexus injuries --
Fracture of the clavicle --
Fracture of the humeral shaft --
Fracture of the proximal humerus --
Fracture of the scapula --
Frozen shoulder --
Home exercise program for frozen shoulder --
Procedure: shoulder joint injection and aspiration: posterior --
Impingement syndrome --
Home exercise program for shoulder impingement --
Procedure: subacromial bursa injection --
Overhead throwing shoulder injuries --
Rotator cuff tear --
Home exercise program for rotator cuff tear --
Rupture of the proximal biceps tendon --
Shoulder instability --
Procedure: reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation --
Superior labrum anterior to posterior lesions --
Home exercise program for slap lesions --
Thoracic outlet syndrome --
Home exercise program for thoracic outlet syndrome --

Section 3: Elbow and forearm. Overview of the elbow and forearm --
Physical examination of the elbow and forearm --
Arthritis of the elbow --
Procedure: elbow joint injection and aspiration--lateral approach --
Dislocation of the elbow --
Fracture of the distal humerus --
Fracture of the olecranon --
Fracture of the radial head --
Lateral and medial epicondylitis --
Home exercise program for epicondylitis --
Procedure: tennis elbow injection --
Olecranon bursitis --
Procedure: olecranon bursa aspiration --
Nerve compression syndromes --
Home exercise program for radial tunnel syndrome --
Rupture of the distal biceps tendon --
Ulnar collateral ligament tear

Section 4: Hand and wrist. Overview of the hand and wrist --
Physical examination of the hand and wrist --
Animal bites --
Arthritis of the hand --
Procedure: metacarpophalangeal or proximal interphalangeal joint injection --
Arthritis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint --
Procedure: thumb carpometacarpal joint injection --
Arthritis of the wrist --
Procedure: wrist aspiration/injection --
Boutonnière deformity --
Carpal tunnel syndrome --
Home program for carpal tunnel syndrome --
Procedure: carpal tunnel injection --
De Quervain tenosynovitis --
Procedure: de Quervain tenosynovitis injection --
Dupuytren contracture --
Fingertip infections --
Procedure: digital anesthetic block (hand) --
Fingertip injuries/amputations --
Flexor tendon injuries --
Flexor tendon sheath infections --
Fracture of the base of the thumb metacarpal --
Fracture of the hook of the hamate --
Fracture of the distal radius --
Fracture of the metacarpals and phalanges --
Fracture of the scaphoid --
Ganglion of the wrist and hand --
Procedure: dorsal wrist ganglion aspiration --
Human bite wounds --
Kienböck disease --
Mallet finger --
Nail bed injuries --
Procedure: fishhook removal --
Sprains and dislocations of the hand --
Trigger finger --
Procedure: trigger finger injection --
Tumors of the hand and wrist --
Ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist --

Section 5: Hip and thigh. Overview of the hip and thigh --
Home exercise program for hip conditioning --
Physical examination of the hip and thigh --
Dislocation of the hip (acute, traumatic) --
Fracture of the femoral shaft --
Fracture of the pelvis --
Fracture of the proximal femur --
Hip impingement --
Inflammatory arthritis --
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve syndrome --
Osteoarthritis of the hip --
Osteonecrosis of the hip --
Snapping hip --
Home exercise program for snapping hip --
Strains of the hip --
Home exercise program for strains of the hip --
Strains of the thigh --
Home exercise program for strains of the thigh --
Stress fracture of the femoral neck --
Transient osteoporosis of the hip --
Trochanteric bursitis --
Home exercise program for trochanteric bursitis --
Procedure: trochanteric bursitis injection --

Section 6: Knee and lower leg. Overview of the knee and lower leg --
Home exercise program for knee conditioning --
Physical examination of the knee and lower leg --
Anterior cruciate ligament tear --
Home exercise program for ACL tear --
Procedure: knee joint aspiration/injection --
Arthritis of the knee --
Home exercise program for arthritis --
Bursitis of the knee --
Procedure: pes anserine bursa injection --
Claudication --
Collateral ligament tear --
Home exercise program for collateral ligament tear --
Compartment syndrome --
Contusions --
Fractures about the knee --
Iliotibial band syndrome --
Gastrocnemius tear --
Home exercise program for medial gastrocnemius tear --
Meniscal tear --
Home exercise program for meniscal tear --
Osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle --
Patellar/quadriceps tendinitis --
Home exercise program for patellar/quadriceps tendinitis --
Patellar/quadriceps tendon ruptures --
Patellofemoral maltracking --
Patellofemoral pain --
Home exercise program for patellofemoral pain --
Plica syndrome --
Home exercise program for plica syndrome --
Popliteal cyst --
Posterior cruciate ligament tear --
Home exercise program for PCL injury --
Shin splints --
Stress fracture

Section 7: Foot and ankle. Overview of the foot and ankle --
Home exercise program for foot and ankle conditioning --
Physical examination of the foot and ankle --
Achilles tendon tear --
Home exercise program for minor Achilles tendon tear --
Ankle sprain --
Home exercise program for ankle sprain (initial program) --
Arthritis of the foot and ankle --
Procedure: ankle joint injection --
Bunionette --
Procedure: application of a metatarsal pad --
Chronic lateral ankle pain --
Corns and calluses --
Procedure: trimming a corn or callus --
Dance injuries to the foot and ankle --
The diabetic foot --
Procedure: care of diabetic feet --
Fracture-dislocations of the midfoot --
Fractures of the ankle --
Fractures of the calcaneus and talus --
Fracture of the metatarsals --
Fracture of the phalanges --
Fracture of the sesamoid --
Procedure: digital anesthetic block (foot) --
Hallux rigidus --
Hallux valgus --
Ingrown toenail --
Procedure: nail plate avulsion --
Interdigital (Morton) neuroma --
Procedure: interdigital (Morton) neuroma injection --
Metatarsalgia --
Nail fungus infection --
Orthotic devices --
Plantar fasciitis --
Home exercise program for plantar fasciitis --
Procedure: plantar fasciitis injection --
Plantar warts --
Posterior heel pain --
Home exercise program for posterior heel pain --
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction --
Rheumatoid arthritis of the foot and ankle --
Sesamoiditis --
Shoe wear --
Soft-tissue masses of the foot and ankle --
Stress fractures of the foot and ankle --
Tarsal tunnel syndrome --
Toe deformities --
Home exercise program for toe strengthening --
Turf toe --

Section 8: Spine. Overview of the spine --
Home exercise program for lumbar spine conditioning --
Physical examination of the spine --
Cauda equina syndrome --
Cervical radiculopathy --
Cervical spondylosis --
Cervical strain --
Home exercise program for cervical strain --
Fractures of the cervical spine --
Fractures of the thoracic or lumbar spine --
Low back pain: acute --
Home exercise program for acute low back pain --
Low back pain: chronic --
Home exercise program for low back stability and strength: introductory --
Lumbar herniated disk --
Lumbar spinal stenosis --
Metastatic disease --
Scoliosis in adults --
Spinal orthoses --
Spondylolisthesis: degenerative --
Spondylolisthesis: isthmic --

Section 9: Pediatric orthopaedics. Overview of pediatric orthopaedics --
Pediatric physical examination --
Anterior knee pain --
Back pain --
Elbow pain --
Foot and ankle pain --
Growing pain --
Accessory navicular --
Calcaneal apophysitis --
Cavus foot deformity --
Child abuse --
Clubfoot --
Complex regional pain syndrome --
Concussion --
Congenital deficiencies of the lower extremity --
Congenital deficiencies of the upper extremity --
Congenital deformities of the lower extremity --
Congenital deformities of the upper extremity --
Developmental dysplasia of the hip --
Discitis --
Evaluation of the limping child --
Procedure: hip aspiration --
Flatfoot --
Fractures in children --
Fractures of the growth plate --
Fractures about the elbow --
Fractures of the clavicle and proximal humerus --
Fractures of the distal forearm --
Fractures of the proximal and middle forearm --
Fractures of the femur --
Fractures of the tibia --
Genu valgum --
Genu varum --
Intoeing and outtoeing --
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis --
Kyphosis --
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease --
Little leaguer's elbow --
Metatarsus adductus --
Neonatal brachial plexus palsy --
Osgood-Schlatter disease --
Osteochondral lesions of the talus --
Osteochondritis dissecans --
Osteomyelitis --
Pediatric sports participation --
Preparticipation physical evaluation --
Scoliosis --
Septic arthritis --
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies --
Shoes for children --
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis --
Spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis --
Tarsal coalition --
Toe walking --
Torticollis --
Transient synovitis of the hip.


Pediatric orthopedics.

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