Gravetter, Frederick J.

Statistics/ Frederick J.Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau and Sally Caldwell - Australia Thomson c2007 - 457p.: ill.; 27cm

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Statistics 1

2. Frequency Distributions 33

3. Central Tendency 69

4. Variability 103

5. z-Scores: Location of Scores and Standardized Distributions137

6.Probability 161

7.Probability and samples: The Distribution of sample Means 201

8. Introduction to Hypothesis testing 231

9. Introduction to Statistic 281

10.Hypothesis Testing with Two samples 311

11. Beyond the Null Hypothesis 335

12. Analysis of Variance 353

13. The Chi-Square Test 385

14. Correlation and Regression 385

15. Appendixes 443

16. Answers to Chapter problems

