Heiberger Richard M.

R Through Excel a spreadsheet interface for statistics, data and graphics Richard M. Heiberger, Erich Neuwirth - London: Springer - xxv,342p.: ill. col.; 24cm - Use R! .

Table of contents
Getting Started 1

Using RExcel and R Commander 13

Getting Data into R 37

Normal and t Distributions 61

Normal and t Workbook 81

tTests 105

OneWay ANOVA 165

Simple Linear Regression 193

What is the least squarees? 213

Multiple RegressionTwo XVariables 234

Polynomial Regression 269

Multiple RegressionThree or More XVariables 285

Contingency Tables and the ChiSquare Test 308

NuisancesInstallation Startup or Execution 333

References 339

Index 341



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