Wilerton, Julia

AQA Psychology A: As revision guide Wilerton, Julia; Wilson, Jane and Green, Simon - United Kingdom: Oxford university press; c2011. - vi, 106 p. : ill. , col; 30cm


Unite 1. Cognitive Psychology, Development Psychology and Research

1. Cognitive Psychology
Models of memory
The multi-store model
Memory in everyday life
Eyewitness testimony
Using the cognitive interview to improve EWT

2. Development Psychology
Explanation of attachment
Types of Attachment and strange situation
Cultural variation in attachment
Disruption of attachment
Failure to form attachment

3. Research methods
Methods and techniques
Investigation design
Data analysis and presentation

Unite 2 Biological psychology, social psychology and individual differences

4. Biological Psychology
Stress as a bodily response
The body response to stress
Stress related illness and the immune system
stress in everyday life
Life changing and daily hassels
Workplace stress

5. Social Psychology
Social influence
Types of Conformity
Explanations of why people conform
Why do people obey

6. Individual differences-psychopathology (abnormality)
Defining and explaining abnormality
Treating abnormality
Biological therapies
Psychological therapies

Includes index p 103-106


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