Nash, T. A. M. 1905-

Africa's bane : the tsetse fly / T. A. M. Nash. - London : Collins, 1969. - 224 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.


1.Introducing the Problem

2.The History of Tropical Africa in Relation

3.The history of tropical Africa in relation to trypanosomiasis

4. The tsetse and its life cycle

5. The distribution of Glossina: the species and their vegetational habitats

6. The mouth parts, feeding process and excretion

7. The tsetse's behaviour in the field whilst digesting, searching for food and attacking its host

8. Sources of food

9. The breeding sites selected by the female, and the senses involved

10. Certain field techniques used in the study of tsetse flies

11. Some aspects of the ecology of G. morsitans

12. The life histories and infection rates of trypanosomes in tsetse flies

13. Nagana in domestic animals and its control

14. The ecology of G. Palpalis in relation to the epidemiology of sleeping sickness

15. Sleeping sickness in man, and its control

16. Biological control

17. The situation today

Includes Bibliography and index


Tsetse Flies.

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