Socialism today Progress/

Socialism today Progress/ Bezuglov. A - Moscow : Progress, c1973. - 155 p. : 22 cm.

Table of Content

Chapter 1. Deputy's mandate: Its political and legal content
Exercise of power by the people through representation and the Deputy's mandate
Deputy as the representative of a constituency and a member of a collegiate organ of power
Imperatives of the deputy's mandate

Chapter II. Deputy's mandate: Emergence and termination
Background to the deputy's mandate
Term of office
Emergence and termination of the deputy's mandate

Chapter III Powers of the deputy
Participation of the deputy in the constituting of the soviet
Organizational and legal forms of deputies participation in the work of the soviet and its organs
Deputies' work among their constituents

Chapter IV How the right of the deputy are guaranteed
Social and economic guarantees
Political and organizational guarantees
Inviolability of the deputy

Chapter V. Accountability, responsibility and Incentives
Deputy's accountability
Deputy's responsibility


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