Forage tree legumes in tropical agriculture / edited by Ross C. Gutteridge and H. Max Shelton - Willingford,UK : CAB INT., c1994. - viii, 389 p. : ill. ; 24cm.


Chapter 1 - Introduction
The role of forage tree legumes in the cropping and grazing systems

Chapter 2. Origins and characteristics of the principal forage tree legumes specie
Leucaena leucocephala -the most widely used forage tree legume
Gliricidia sepium -a multpurpose forage tree legumes
The perennial ssebania species
Calliundra calothyrsus - a multipurpose tree legume for humid locations
Albezia lebbeck -a promissing forage tree for semiarid region

Chapter 3. Agronomy and management of tree legumes
Diversity within tropical and shrub legumes
Enviromental adaptation of forage tree legumes
Establishment of forage tree legumes
Microbial symbioses of tree and shrub legumes
Defoliation Management of forage tree legumes

Chapter 4. Animal production from tree legumes
The nutritive value of tree legumes
Tree legumes as diety supplementary
Anti nutritive and toxic factors in forage tree legumes
Management of anti-nutritive factors with special reference toleucaena
The role of leucaena in improving the productivity of grazindpg cattles

Chapter 5. Multipurpose use of tree legumes in tropical farming system
The use of tree legumes for fuel wood production
Forage tree legumes in Alley cropping systems

Chapter 6.Insects and diseases of tree legumes
The leucaena psyllid diseases of tree legumes
Insects pest of forage tree legumes:Biology and non chemical control

Capter 7. Region studies using tree legumes
Management of mulga (acacia aneura) scrubland in southwest Queenland
Acacia nolitica- a tree legume out of control
Beef production from broadacre leucaena in central queensland
Slopping agricultural land technolgy (SALT) in the phyllippines
The use of forage tree legumes in Timor Indonesia

includes bibliography and index.


Forage tree--Tropical Agriculture--Legumes

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