Hayma, Jelle

Storage of tropical agricultural products / Jelle Hayma - 4th edition - Wageningen, Netherland : Agromisa Foundation, c2003 - 84 p. : ill. ; 30 cm - Agrodok-series no 31 NUGI:835 .


2.Environmental influences on the stored product
2.1 storage losses
2.2 Moisture content and relatives humidity
2.3 Temperature and respiration

3.Storage of various groups of agriculture products
3.1 Cereal and pulses
3.2 Sowing seed
3.3 Oil containing products: groundnuts Soybean, Sesame, cotton seed palm kernel, copra
3.4 Root crops: yam,coco yam,sweet potato,Irish potato cassava

4.1 Relative humidity of the drying air
4.2 Temperature of the drying air
4.3 The movement of drying air
4.4 Drying methods

5. Storage methods
5.1 Earthen pots and gourds
5.2 baskets
5.3 Maize crib
5.4 Jute sacks
5.5 Plastic bags


Agricultural Products

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