Neogi, Kumar Samir

Role of yarn tension in weaving / Samir Kumar Neogi. - New Delhi : Woodhead publishing India Pvt Ltd., c2015 - xiii, 275p. : ill. ; 24cm


1 Fundamentals of yarn tension

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of yarn tension
1.3 Necessity of tension in textile processing
1.4 Yarn tension and yarn breakage

2 Yarn tension at weaving at the weaving preparatory processes

2.2 Weaving preparatory processes
2.3 Winding process
2.4 Warping process
2.5 Slashing (or sizing) process

3 Warp tension measurement

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Passage of wrap yarns through the loom
3.3 Stretch and strain of wrap yarns due to shedding

4 General form wrap tension variation

4.2 Wrap tension variation

5 Weft Tension measurement

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Weft tension measurement in shuttle loom
5.3 Weft tension measurement in shuttles loom

6 General form of weft tension variation

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Weft tension variation in shuttle loom
6.3 Weft tension variation in shuttleless looms

7 Effects of loom settings and other factors on wrap tension

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Effects of warp beam and let-off motion
7.3 Effects of back-rest
7.4 Effects of warp stop motion setting and warp leasing pattern

8 Effects of settings and yarn characteristics on well tension

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Shuttle picking
8.3 Shuttleless picking
8.4 Effects of Waft package

9 Effects of tensions on loom performance

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Loom performance

10 Effects of yarn tensions on fabric properties

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Mechanics of cloth formation in relation to yarn tensions
10.3 Beat-up force
10.4 Cloth properties
10.5 Weave prominence

References : p. 269-271 . _ Index : p.273-275

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Yarn production

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