Leja, Jan.

Surface chemistry of froth flotation / Jan Leja. - New York : Springer science+business media, c1982. - xxi, 758 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

1.1 Scope of froth flotation
1.2 An outline of a mineral flotation system, definition
1.3 Typical flotation procedures and flow sheets

2.Chemical and molecular bonding interfacial enegetic
2.1 Ionic bonding
2.2 Covalent bonding
2.3 Partial ionic covalent conds

3. Stracture of solids
3.1 Atomic packing
3.2 Crystal structure of simple compounds
3.3 Structural changes and chemical relationships

4. Water and aqueous solutions
4.1 Structural models
4.2 Hydration of ions
4.3 Debye huckel model of ions in solution

5. Flotation surfactants
5.1 Classification of surfactants
5.2 Xanthates
5.3 Dithiocarbamates

6. Physical chemistry of surface and interfaces
6.1 Types of interfaces colloids
6.2 Characteristics of a solid surface
6.3 Adsorption and its characteristics

7. Electrical characteristics of interfaces . electrical double layer and zeta potential
7.1 Definitions and electro chemical concepts
7.2 Models of the electrical double layer
7.3 Experimental testing of the double layer theory

8. Adsorption of flotation collectors
8.1 Requirement for collector adsorption
8.2 Mechanism of xanthate adsorption
8.3 Mechanisms of adsorption of non thio collectors

9. Flotation froths and roams
9.1 Single gas bubblies in liquid
9.2 Foams and froths
9.3 Kinetics of drainage in single films supported on frames

10. Inorganic regulating agent, activators depressants
10.1 PH control
10.2 Control of change density at the solid/ liquid interface
10.3 Additives regulating the oxidation stated of various components in the pulp

References : p681 -745 ._ Index : p747-758



Surface chemistry.

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