Gupta, C. B.

An introduction to statistical methods / C. B. Gupta , Vijay Gupta. - 23rd edition - India : Vikas Publishing house, c2004. - x, 829 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.


1. Introduction
What is statistics? , Functions of statistics, Statistical methods, etc

2. The fields of statistics.

Importance of statistics, Statistics in business, Statistics in Economics, etc

3.Statistical Inquiries and Sampling.

Introduction, Population, Census Enumeration, Sampling, Law of statistical regularity, etc

4. Collection of data-preliminary Considerations

Statement of purpose, Scope of inquiry, Choice of statistical Units, etc

5. Collection of Data-techniques

Primary and secondary data, Primary methods of data collection, drafting questions and questionnaires etc.

6. Classification and tabulation

Introduction, Classification, organizing quantitative data, Selecting class intervals.

7. Diagrammatic representation

Introduction, Bar Diagrams, Two-way Dimensional Diagrams, Pictures etc.

8. Graphic representation

Introduction, Line graphs for time series, Charting frequency Polygon, Smooth Frequency curve, etc.

9. Measures of central tendency.

Descriptive statistics, Measures of central tendency, The arithmetic mean, Arithmetic mean of grouped data, Properties of the mean etc.

10. Measures of Dispersion

Introduction, Measures of Dispersion, The range, Quartile Deviation, Mean deviation etc.

11. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis

Introduction, Moments, Moments about the mean, Skewness, Kurtosis, etc.

12. Analysis of time series

Time series problems, four components of time series, uses of the analysis of time series, Editing time series data etc.

13. Index Numbers

Introduction, Method of Combining the data, System of weighting aggregates of actual prices, weight average of price relatives, quantity index numbers etc.

14. Interpolation

Introduction, Graphic method of interpolation, parabolic curve method, newton’s method for equal intervals etc.

15. Relationship between variable-regression and correlation

Relationship between variables, Correlation and causation, Linear regression analysis, Simplified determination of regression analysis etc.

16. Probability

Introduction, Probability, A priori probability, Mathematics of probability, Addition rule of probability, Conditional probabilities etc.

17. Sampling Distributions

Nature of sampling distributions, Binomial distribution, mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution, normal distribution etc.

18. Estimation and testing of hypothesis

Estimation and confidence level, standard error of estimate, statistical inferences or testing of hypothesis etc.

19. Tests on large samples

Introduction, testing assumptions about population mean, one-tail and two-tail tests, testing significance of difference in means etc.

20. Testing on small samples and goodness of fit.

Small samples, the distribution, the z-test for correlation, the f-distribution and variance ratio test, analysis of variance etc.

21. Attribution and their association

Introduction, dichotomy and notation, Order of classes, A fundamental set, Method for determining class frequencies, Consistence of data etc.

22. Vital statistics

Introduction, Measures of mortality, Standard death rate, Measures of fertility, Life tables etc.

23. Statistical quality control

Introduction, Process control, Control chart, Product Control etc.

24. Statistics for business decisions

Introduction, the decision problem under uncertainty, expected profits, Expected value of perfect information etc.

25. Linear programming

Introduction, Linear programming problems, Graphical methods, the simplex method etc.

26. Theory of games

Introduction, the games situation, the minimax and maximin decision rules, saddle point, equilibrium and the value of the game, etc.


Statistical methods
Business statistics

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