Lipe, Saundra K.

Critical thinking in nursing : a cognitive skills workbook / Saundra K. Lipe, Sharon Beasley - Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, ©2004. - xii, 337 p. : ill. ; 28 cm

Includes Bibliographical references and index


Unit one: Basic Concepts of Cognitive Skills
Chapter. 1. Critical Thinking
Chapter. 2. Problem Solving
Chapter. 3. Decision Making
Chapter. 4. Priority Setting

Unit two: Cognitive Skills in the Nursing Process
Chapter. 5. Nursing Process Applications
Chapter. 6. Delegation
Chapter. 7. Communication
Chapter. 8. Patient Teaching

Unit three: Application of Cognitive Skills
Chapter. 9. Applying Clinical Reasoning to Various Practice Settings
Chapter. 10. Ethical Decision Making
Chapter. 11. Applying Nursing Judgment in Clinical Settings

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