Psychology / Edited by Karen G. Duffy - 37th edition - USA McGrawHill c2007 - xvi, 207 P. : ill 28 cm

Unit 1 The science of Psychology
1. Why study Psychology
2. Does Psychology make a significant difference in our lives?
3. The 10 Commandments of helping students distinguish science from Pseudoscience in Psychology
4. Causes and Correlation

Unit 2 Biological Bases of Behavior
5. The amazing Brain: Is Neuroscience the key to what makes us human?
6. Genetic Influence on human Psychological traits
7. The structure of the human brain

Unit 3 Perceptual Processes
8. Sensational tune-ups
9. Eye wise: Seeing into the future
10. A matter of Taste
11. Extreme states

Unit 4 Learning and Remembering
12. Teaching for understanding
13. Memory Flexibility
14. Theory of Multiple intelligence: Is it a scientific theory?

Unit 5 Cognitive Processes
15. Shouldn't there be a word ..?
16. What was I thinking?
17. Mysteries of the mind

Unit 6 Emotion and Motivation
18. Unconscious emotion
19. Feeling smart: The science of emotional Intelligence
20. The value of positive emotions
21. Ambition: Why some people are most likely to succeed
22. Obesity- An Epidemic of the twenty-first Century: An update for Psychiatrists

Unit 7 Development
23. Why newborns cause Acrimony and Alimony
24. The Methuselah report
25. A peaceful adolescence
26. Ageless aging: The next era of retirement
27. The Borders of healing

Unit 8 Personality Processes
28. Freud in our midst
29. Exploding the self-Esteem Myth
30. The testing of America

Unit 9 Social Processes
31. To Err in human
32. Deception Detection
33. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing yourself s others see you
34. Young and Restless

Unit 10 Psychological Disorders
35. The Age of depression
36. Soldier support

Unit 11 Psychology Treatment
37. The Quandary over mental illness
38. The discover interview: Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel
39. Offering hope to Emotionally Depressed
40. Computer and Internet-Based Psychotherapy interventions

index: 203-207 p.

9780073516295 0073516295


Human Characters

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