Physical activity for health and fitness / Allen W. Jackson ... [et al.]. - Updated edition - Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2004. - viii, 368 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.


Part I Physical Activity and Fitness
Chapter 1 The Physical Activity, Health and Fitness Connection
How much of health and fitness is related to heredity, and how much is directly affected by lifestyle choices?
To what extent does being physically active affect how healthy you are and how you feel and look?
Does physical activity make a substantial difference or just a minor difference?

Chapter 2 Cardiorespiratory Fitness
How much physical activity does it really take to notice cardiorespiratory fitness gains?
How does aerobic activity affect fitness and oxygen consumption?
What are the principles and components that go into designing an aerobic exercise program?
What are the effects of exercise in different environments, such as heat, cold, and altitude?

Chapter 3 Muscular Fitness
Are the benefits of becoming stronger simply superficial, or are there additional fitness and health benefits?
If you're not an athlete who needs to be more flexible to perform better, are there any reasons to work at increasingyour ranges of motion?
Do stretching exercises really help prevent injuries and enhance performance?
Are there actual health benefits to becoming more flexible?

Part II Physical Activity and Weight Control
Chapter 4 Obesity
Are the standard height and weight charts an accurate guide to determining obesity?
What does being obese or overweight mean?
How does weight affect health?
How can you determine what your own healthy weight is?

Chapter 5 Nutrition
Just what does constitute a balanced diet?
Is it possible to eat well on campus?
Why do so many people gain weight in their first few years in college?

Chapter 6 Weight Control
Does any weight-loss diet work?
What are the factors that affect weight control?
What is caloric balance, and what factors affect it?
What are sound weight management guidelines?

Part III Physical Activity and Health
Chapter 7 Cardiovascular Disease
What are the causes and risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD)?
What are ways to prevent CVD?
How does physical activity affect CVD?

Chapter 8 Musculoskeletal Health
Can physical activity really help prevent osteoporosis?
What is the effect of physical activity on musculoskeletal health?
How does aging affect bones?
What are the causes of common soft tissue injuries, and how can I handle them if I incur one?

Chapter 9 Cancer and Diabetes
What are the causes and risk factors of cancer?
Is there any danger in waiting until a lump goes away?
What can you do to lessen your risk of cancer?
How does physical activity affect cancer and diabetes?

Chapter 10 Pregnancy
How long and hard can you exercise while maintaining a healthy pregnancy?
What activities are unsafe?
For activities that are safe, what are the limits on those activities?
Are there special benefits to exercising during pregnancy?

Chapter 11 Mental Health
Can physical activity alleviate the effects of depression?
How might being physically active affect depression?
Is depression a state of mind-or does it have a physiological or neurological basis?

Part IV Lifetime Physical Activity, Health and Fitness
Chapter 12 Healthy Aging
Should you gradually cut back on your physical activity as you grow older?
Can exercise improve your quality of life in later years?
Just what are the effects of exercise on aging?

Chapter 13 Leading a Physically Active Life
Why is it so hard to adopt and maintain a physically active lifestyle?
What are the barriers that keep many people from being physically active?
How can people change their behaviors to become more active?

0736052054 (Soft Cover) 9780736052054

Exercise--Health aspects.
Physical fitness.
Physical Fitness.

QT 256 P578 2009