Wallace/Maxcy-Rosenau-Last public health & preventive medicine / Maxcy-Rosenau-Last public health & preventive medicine Wallace/Maxcy-Rosenau-Last public health and preventive medicine Public health & preventive medicine editor, Robert B. Wallace ; associate editor, Neal Kohatsu ; editor emeritus, John M. Last ; section editors, Ross Brownson ... [et al.]. - 15th edition. - New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, c2008. - xxxiii, 1367 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Table of content
Edited by Robert B. Wallace
1. Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Trends and Guideposts
Robert B. Wallace
2. Epidemiology and Public Health
Robert B. Wallace
3. Ethics and Public Health Policy
Colin L. Soskolne, and John M. Last
4. Public Health and Population
Robert B. Wallace
5. Public Health Informatics
David A. Ross, and Alan R. Hinman
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research:
Issues and Illustrations
N. Andrew Peterson, Joseph Hughey, John B. Lowe, Andria D. Timmer, John E.
Schneider, and Jana J. Peterson
7. Genetic Determinants of Disease and Genetics in Public Health
Fred Lorey
Edited by Stephanie Zaza
8. Control of Communicable Diseases:

8A. Overview of Communicable Diseases
Richard P. Wenzel
8B. Emerging Microbial Threats to Health and Security
Stephen M. Ostroff, and James M. Hughes, MD
8C. Health Advice for International Travel
Christie M. Reed, and Stefanie Steele
9. Diseases Controlled Priamarily by Vaccination:

9A. Measles
Walter A. Orenstein, Mark Papania, Peter Strebel, and Alan R. Hinman
9B. Mumps
Francisco Averhoff, MD, MPH, and Melinda E. Wharton
9C. Rubella
Susan E. Reef
9D. Pertussis
Margaret Mary Cortese, andKristine M. Bisgard
9E. Tetanus
Katrina Kretsinger, John S. Moran, and Martha H. Roper
9F. Diphtheria
Tejpratap S.P. Tiwari
9G. Influenza
Mark Katz
9H. Haemophilus Influenzae Infections
Michelle Chang, Brendan Flannery and Nancy Rosenstein
9I. Varicalla and Herpes Zoster
Dalya Guris, Mona Marin, Jane F. Seward
9J. Poliomyelitis
Roland W. Sutter, and Stephen L. Cochi
9K. Pneumococcal Infections
Robert B. Wallace
10. Epidemiology and Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
David Friedel, MD and Suzanne Lavoie, MD
11. The Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Alan E. Greenberg, D. Peter Drotman, James W. Curran, and Robert S. Janssen
12. Diseases Spread by Close Personal Contact:

12A. Acute Respiratory Infections
Javier Ena
12B. Viral Hepatitis
Joanna Buffington, and Eric Mast
12C. Aseptic Meningitis
Jeffery L. Meier
12D. Epstein-Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis
Jeffrey L. Meier
12E. Herpes Simplex Virus
Richard J. Whitley
12F. Cytomegalovirus Infections
Anne Blaschke, and James F. Bale, Jr.
12G. Group A Streptococcal Diseases
Susan Assanasen, and Gonzalo M.L. Bearman
12H. Meningococcal Disease
Montse Soriano-Gabarró, and Nancy Rosenstein
12I. Tuberculosis
Douglas B. Hornick
12J. Leprosy
Kenrad E. Nelson
12K. Acute Gastrointestinal Infections
Victoria Valls
13. Diseases Spread by Food and Water:

13A. Typhoid Fever
Pavani Kalluri and Eric D. Mintz
13B. Shigellosis
Anna Bowen, and Eric D. Mintz
13C. Cholera
Margaret Kosek, Robert E. Black
13D. Escherichia coli Diarrhea
Margaret Kosek, Robert E. Black
13E. Yersiniosis
M. Patricia Quinlisk
13F. Legionellosis
Matthew R. Moore, and Barry S. Fields
13G. Amebiasis and Amebic Meningoenchephalitis
William Stauffer
13H. Giardiasis
Mary E. Wilson
13I. Dracunculiasis
Donald R. Hopkins
13J. Human Enteric Coccidial Infections
Katharine Bar
14. Control of Infections in Institutions: Healthcare-Associated Infections
Monina Klevens, and Denise M. Cardo
15. Viral Diseases Transmitted Primarily by Arthropod Vectors:

15A. Viral Infections
Elizabeth A. Kleiner
15B. Epidemiology of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
James W. LeDuc
15C. Rickettsial Infections
Marta A. Guerra, and David L. Swerdlow
15D. Q Fever
Herbert A. Thompson, and David L. Swerdlow
15E. Plague
J. Erin Staples
15F. Malaria
S. Patrick Kachur,Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, and Peter. B. Bloland
15G. Lyme Disease
Larissa A. Minicucci
15H. Trypanosomiasis
Louis V. Kirchhoff
15I. Leishmaniasis
Mary E. Wilson
16J. Lymphatic Filariasis
Amy D. Klion
16. Viral Diseases Transmitted Primarily from Animals to Humans (Zoonoses):

16A. Rabies
Charles E. Rupprecht
16B. Bacteria:

16B1. Bacterial Zoonoses-Psittacosis
Lauri A. Hicks, and Maria Lucia Tondella
16B2. Tularemia
Paul S. Mead
16B3. Anthrax
Sean V. Shadomy, and Nancy E. Rosenstein
16B4. Brucellosis
Diane K. Gross, andThomas A. Clark
16B5. Leptospirosis
Thomas A. Clark
16B6. Non-Typhoidal Salmonellosis
John Painter, Michael Perch, and Andrew C. Voetsch
16C. Toxoplasmosis
Jeffrey L. Jones, and Jacob K. Frenkel
16D. Trichinellosis
Michael P. Stevens, and Michael Edmond
16E. Clonorchiasis and Opisthorchiasis
Kenrad E. Nelson
16F. Cestode Infections:

16F1. Taeniasis and Cysticercosis
Kenrad E. Nelson
16F2. Hydatid Disease (Echinococcosis)
Pedro L. Moro, and Peter M. Schantz
17. Opportunistic Fungal Infections
Michael A. Pfaller
18. Other Infection-Related Diseases of Public Health Import:

18A. Dermatophytes
Marta J. VanBeek
18B. Hookworm Disease: Ancylostomiasis, Necatoriasis, Uncinariasis
Laverne K. Eveland
18C. Other Intestinal Nematodes
Mark R. Wallace, John W. Sanders and Shannon D. Putnam
18D. Schistosomiasis
Ettie M. Lipner and Amy D. Klion, M.D.
18E. Toxic Shock Syndrome (Staphylococcal)
Arthur L. Reingold
18F. Reye's Syndrome
Robert B. Wallace
Edited by Arnold J. Schecter
19. The Status of Environmental Health
Arthur L. Frank
20. Toxicology:

20A. Principles of Toxicology
Michael Gochfeld
20B. Neurobehavioral Toxicity
Nancy Fiedler, Joanna Burger, and Michael Gochfeld
21. Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment
Michael Gochfeld, and Joanna Burger
22. Biomarkers
Michael D. McClean, and Thomas F. Webster
23. Asbestos and Other Fibers
Kaye H. Kilburn
24. Coal Workers¿ Lung Diseases
Gregory R. Wagner, and Michael D. Attfield
25. Silicosis
Stephen Levin, and Ruth Lilis
26. Health Significance of Metal Exposures
Philippe Grandjean
27. Diseases Associated with Exposure to Chemical Substances: Organic
Stephen Levin and Ruth Lilis
28. Known and Attributed Human Carcinogens
James Huff
29. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Richard Clapp
30. Polychlorinated Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
Yoshito Masuda, and Arnold J. Schecter
31. Brominated Flame Retardants
D.F. Staskal, and L.S. Birnbaum
32. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
Mark R. Cullen
33. Pulmonary Responses to Gases and Particles
Kaye H. Kilburn
34. Pesticides
Marion Moses
35. Temperature and Health
Edwin M. Kilbourne
36. Ionizing Radiation
Arthur C. Upton
37. Nonionizing Radiation
Arthur L. Frank, and Louis Slesin
38. Effects of the Physical Environment: Noise As a Health Hazard
Aage R. M°ller
39. Erconomics and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
W. Monroe Keyserling, and Thomas J. Armstrong
40. Industrial Hygiene
Robert F. Herrick
41. Surveillance and Health Screening in Occupational Health
Gregory R. Wagner, and Lawrence J. Fine
42. Workers with Disabilities
Nancy R. Mudrick, Robert J. Weber, MD, and Margaret A. Turk
43. Environmental Justice: From Global to Local
Howard Frumkin, Enrique Cifuentes, and Mariana I. Gonzalez
44. The Health of Hired Farmworkers
Don Villarejo, and Marc Schenker
45. Women Workers
Karen Messing
46. Health Hazards of Child Labor
Susan H. Pollack MD and Philip J. Landrigan MD
47. Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Eula Bingham and Celeste Monforton
48. Ensuring Food Safety
Douglas L. Marshall, and James S. Dickson
49. Water Quality Management and Waterborne Disease Trends
Patricia L. Meinhardt
50. Hazardous Waste: Assessing, Detecting and Remediation
William A. Suk
51. Aerospace Medicine
Roy L. DeHart
52. Housing and Health
John M. Last
53. Human Health in a Changing World
John M. Last, and Colin L. Soskolne
Edited by Neal Kohatsu
54. Health Behavior Research and Intervention
Kim D. Reynolds, Donna Spruijt-Metz, and Jennifer Unger
55. Tobacco: Health Effects and Control
Corinne G. Husten, and Stacy L.Thorne
56. Alcohol-Related Health Problems
Brian L. Cook, andJill Liesveld
57. Prevention of Drug Use and Drug Use Disorders
Elizabeth B. Robertson, and Wilson M. Compton
58. Community Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Stephanie Zaza, MD, and Peter A. Briss
59. Risk Communication--An Overlooked Tool for Improving Public Health
David P. Ropeik
60. Health Literacy
Rima E. Rudd, Jennie B. Epstein,Sarah C. Oppenheimer, Lindsay E. Rosenfeld, and
Carmen Gomez Mandic
Edited by Ross Brownson
61. Screening for Early and Asymptomatic Conditions
Robert B. Wallace
62. Cancer
Leslie K. Dennis, Charles F. Lynch, and Elaine M. Smith
63. Heart Disease
Russell V. Luepker
64. Renal and Urinary Tract Disease
Rebecca L. Hegeman
65. Diabetes
Janice C. Zgibor, Janice S. Dorman, and Trevor J. Orchard
66. Respiratory Disease Prevention
David B. Coultas, MD, and Jonathan M. Samet, MD
67. Musculoskeletal Disorders
Jennifer L. Kelsey and MaryFran Sowers
68. Neurological Disorders
James C. Torner, and Robert B. Wallace
69. Disabling Visual Disorders
Dawn M. Oh, and Kean T. Oh
70. Psychiatric Disorders
Evelyn J. Bromet
71. Childhood Cognitive Disability
Maureen S. Durkin, Nicole Schupf, Zena A. Stein, and Mervyn W. Susser
72. Prevention of Disability in Older Persons
William H. Barker
73. Nutrition in Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Marion Nestle
74. Postmarketing Medication Safety Surveillance: A Current Public Health Issue
Mirza I. Rahman, and Omar H. Dabbous
Edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield
75. The American Health Care System: Structure and Function
Glen P. Mays
76. Structure and Function of the Public Health System in the United States
F. Douglas Scutchfield, and C. William Keck
77. International and Global Health
Franklin M.M. White, and Debra J. Nanan
78. Public Health Law
Edward P. Richards, III, and Katharine C. Rathbun
79. Public Health Management Tools:

79A. Planning for Health Improvement: Models for Communities and Institutions
K. Michael Peddecord
79B. Public Health Leadership Development
Kate Wright, and Cynthia D. Lamberth
79C. Policy Development
Helen H. Schauffler
79D. Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement
Richard S. Kurz
79E. Public Health Management Tools Evaluation
Thomas G. Rundall
80. Categorical Public Health Sciences:

80A. Disaster Preparedness and Response
Theodore J. Cieslak, Scott R. Lillibridge, Trueman W. Sharp, George W.
Christopher, and Edward M. Eitzen
80B. Maternal and Child Health
Lewis H. Margolis, and Alan W. Cross
80C. Preventive Medicine Support of Military Operations
Robert L. Mott
80D. Public Health Workforce
Kristine M. Gebbie
80E. Family Planning
Herbert B. Peterson, Andreea Creanga, and Amy O. Tsui
Edited by Neal Kohatsu
81. Injury Control: The Public Health Approach
Corinne Peek-Asa, and Erin O. Heiden
82. Violence in the Family as a Public Health Concern
Irene Hanson Frieze, Jeremiah A. Schumm, and Stacey L. Williams

9780071441988 (alk. paper) 0071441980

Public health.
Medicine, Preventive.
Public Health.
Preventive Medicine.

WA 100 M463 2008