Freeman, Julia B.

Pharmacologic basis of nursing practice / Julia B. Freeman, Sherry F. Queener, Viginia Burke Karb - 6th edition - St. Louis : Mosby, c2000 - xvi, 925 p. : col. ill 28 cm

Includes references and index

Section I: How Drugs Work in the Body: Drugs in the Body:
1. Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics.
2. Life Span and Other Conditions for Drug Therapy.
3. Legal Implications of Drug Therapy.
4. Application of the Nursing Process to Drug Therapy.

Section II: Nursing Care Related to Drug Therapy:
5. Drug Administration.
6. Calculating Drug Dosages.
7. Over-the-Counter Drugs and Self-Medication.
8. Issues of Drug Abuse.
9. Care of the Poisoned Patient.

Section III: How the Nervous System Controls Body Function:
10. Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology.
11. Mechanisms of Cholinergic (Parasympathetic) Control.
12. Mechanisms of Adrenergic (Sympathetic) Control.

Section IV: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular and Renal Systems.
13. Antihypertensive Drugs.
14. Diuretics.
15. Antianginals and Other Vasodilators.
16. Drugs to Treat Hypertension and Shock.
17. Fluids and Electrolytes.
18. Drugs to Control Congestive Heart Failure.
19. Drugs to Control Cardiac Arrhythmia's.

Section V: Drugs Modifying the Blood:
20. Drugs Affecting Blood Coagulation.
21. Drugs to Lower Blood Lipid Levels.
22. Drugs to Treat Anaemia.

Section VI: Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System:
23. Drugs Affecting Motility: Anticholinergics, Antispasmodics, and Cholinergic Stimulants.
24. Laxatives and Antidiarrheals.
25. Antiemetics.
26. Drugs to Treat Acid Reflux and Ulcers.
27. Drugs to Treat Pancreatic and Gallbladder Diseases.

Section VII: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System:
28. Drugs to Treat Asthma.
29. Antihistamines.
30. Nasal Decongestants, Antitussives, and Other Drugs Affecting Bronchial Secretions.

Section VIII: Drugs to Treat Pain:
31. Aspirin, Acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and Drugs to Treat Gout.
32. Opioids.
33. Drugs to Treat Headaches.
34. Management of the Patient in Pain.

Section IX: Drugs for the Patient Receiving Anaesthesia:
35. Local Anaesthetics.
36. General Anaesthetics.
37. Neuromuscular Blockers.

Section X: Drugs Affecting the Immune System:
38. Introduction to the Immune System.
39. Immunizations.
40. Immunomodulators and Care of Patients with Altered Immune Function.
41. Glucocorticoids to Treat Inflammatory Conditions.
42. Drug Treatment of Selected Autoimmune Diseases.

Section XI: Antiinfective and Chemotherapeutic Agents:
43. Introduction to the Use of Antiinfective Drugs.
44. Penicillins, Cephalosporins, and Related Drugs.
45. Quinolones.
46. Macrolides, Clindamycin, and Miscellaneous Penicillin.
47. Substitutes.
48. Tetracyclines and Chloramphenicol.
49. Aminoglycosides.
50. Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim, and Drugs to Treat Urinary Tract Infections.
51. Drugs to Treat Tuberculosis and Other Microbacteria Infections.
52. Antifungal Drugs.
53. Antiviral Drugs and Drugs to Treat AIDS.
54. Drugs to Treat Protozoal and Helminthic Infestations.

Section XII: Drugs Used to Treat Cancer:
55. Introduction to Cancer Chemotherapy.
56. Cytotoxic Drugs to Treat Cancer.
57. Tissue-Specific Drugs.

Section XIII: Drugs for the Psychoneurologic System:
58. Sedative-Hypnotic and Antianxiety Drugs.
59. Antipsychotic Drugs.
60. Antidepressant and Antimanic Drugs.
61. Central Nervous System Stimulants.

Section XIV: Drugs for the Neurologic System:
62. Anticonvulsants.
63. Drugs to Treat Parkinsonism and Alzheimer's Disease.
64. Centrally-Acting Skeletal Muscle Relaxants.

Section XV: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine and Reproductive Systems:
65. Introduction to Endocrinology.
66. Drugs Affecting the Pituitary Gland.
67. Drugs Affecting the Adrenal Gland.
68. Drugs Affecting the Thyroid Gland.
69. Drugs Affecting Calcium Metabolism.
70. Drugs to Treat Diabetes Mellitus.
71. Estrogens, Progestins, and Contraception.
72. Drugs for Labor and Delivery.
73. Drugs Affecting the Male Reproductive System.

Section XVI: Ophthalmic Drugs:
74. Drugs to Treat Glaucoma.
75. Other Ophthalmic Drugs.

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