Microscale and macroscale experiments for general chemistry /

Mills, Jerry L.

Microscale and macroscale experiments for general chemistry / Jerry L. Mills, Michael D. Hampton - 2nd edition - New York : McGraw-Hill, inc., c1991 - xi, 296 p. : ill. ; 28 cm

Microscale Experiments
1. Microscale Laboratory Techniques
2. Horizontal Paper Chromatography of Dyes
3. Two-Dimensional Paper Chromatography of Inks
4. Activity series
5. Identification of Silver, Lead and Mercurous Ions
6. Ion Drop-Matrix Test
7. Colorimetry of Dyes
8. Colometric Determination of Cooper
9. Preparation of Tretraamminecopper(II) Sulfate Monohydrate
10. Determination of the Purity of a solid Acid by titration


QD 241 M657m 1991