Anatomy of seed plants /

Esau, Katherine. 1898-1997.

Anatomy of seed plants / Katherine Esau - New York : Wiley, c1960. - xvi, 376 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Internal organization of the plant
Summary of types of cells and tissues
General references

Chapter 2. The embryo
Dicotyledon embryo
Monocotyledon embryo

Chapter 3. From the embryo to the adult plant
Meristems and origin of Tissue
Differianciation and specialization
Expression of the organisation of the plant
Primary and secondary growth

Chapter 4. Parenchyma
Shape of cells
Cell wall

Chapter 5. Collenchyma
Distribution in the plant
Strucure in relation to function

Chapter 6. Scerenchyma
Cell wall
Development of screids and fibers

Chapter 7. Epidermis
Composition of epidermis
Cell wall

Chapter 8. Xylem:General structure and celltype
Gross structure of the secondary xylem
Celltype in the secondary xylem
Primary xylem

Chapter 9. Xylem :variation in wood structure
Conifer wood
Decotyledon wood
Reaction wood
Key for identification of woods

Chapter 10. Vascula cambium
Orgarnization of cambium
Developmental changes in the initial layer

Chapter 11. Phloem
Cell type
Primary phloem
Secondary phloem

Chapter 12. Periderm
Structure of periderm and related tissues
Development of periderm
Outer aspects of bark in relation to structure

Chapter 13. Secretory structures
External secretory structures
Internal secretory structures

Chapter 14. The root :primary state of growth
Types of roots
Primary structure

Chapter 15. The root : secondary state of growth and adventitious roots
Common types of secondary roots
Variation in secondary growth
Adventitious roots

Chapter 16. The stem :Primary state of growth
The stem as part of the shoot
Primary structure

Chapter 17. Secondary state of growth and structural types
Types of stems

Chapter 18. The leaf basi structure and development
External morphology
Histology of angiosperm

Chapter 19. The leaf: Variatio in structures
Leaf structures and environment
Decotyledon leaves
Monocotyledon leaves
Gymosperm leaves

Chapter 20. The flower

Chapter 21. The fruit
Histology of the fruit wall

Chapter 22. The seed

Includes bibliographical references and index

Plant anatomy.

581.4 / ESA