A first look at communication theory /

Griffin, Emory A.

A first look at communication theory / Em Griffin ; special consultant, Glen McClish. - 6th edition. - Boston ; Singapore ; New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, c2006. - xx, various paging : ill. ; 24 cm.


CHAPTER 1: Talk About Theory
Science or Interpretation: Two Views of a Monster Ad
Objective or Interpretive: A Difference that Makes a Difference
Ways of Knowing: Discovering Truth or Creating Multiple Realities?
Human Nature: Determinism or Free Will?
The Highest Value: Objectivity or Emancipation?

CHAPTER 2: Mapping The Territory
(Seven Traditions in the Field of Communication Theory)

The Social-Psychological Tradition
The Cybernetic Tradition
The Rhetorical Tradition
The Semiotic Tradition
The Socio-Cultural Tradition
The Critical Tradition

CHAPTER 3: Weighing The Words
of Ernest Bormann's Symbolic Convergence Theory

A Test Case: Ernest Bormann's Symbolic Convergence Theory
What Makes an Objective Theory Good?
What Makes an Interpretive Theory Good?
Balancing the Scale: Similar Weights and Measures
Questions to Sharpen Your Focus

Interpersonal Messages

CHAPTER 4: Symbolic Interactionism
of George Herbert Mead

Meaning: The Construction of Social Reality
Language: The Source of Meaning
Thought: The Process of Taking the Role of the Other
The Self: Reflections in a Looking Glass
Community: The Socializing Effect of Others' Expectations

CHAPTER 5: Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM)
of W. Barnett Pearce and Vernon Cronen

CMM in Action: Stories from the Field
Persons-in-Conversation: Creating Bonds of Union
Stories told and Stories Lived
Dialogic Communication: A New Way to Talk with Others
Critique: What Does the Language of CMM Create for You?

CHAPTER 6: Expectancy Violations Theory
of Judee Burgoon

Personal Space Expectations: Conform or Deviate?
An Applied Test of the Original Model
A Convoluted Model Becomes an Elegant Theory
Core Concepts of EVT
Interaction Adaptation-Burgoon's Next Frontier

CHAPTER 7: Interpersonal Deception Theory
of David Buller and Judee Burgoon

An Emergent Theory of Strategic Interaction
Manipulating Information: The Language and Look of Liars
Leakage-The Truth Will Come Out (maybe)
The Respondent's Dilemma: Truth Bias or Suspicion?
Putting Doubts to Rest: Deceiver Adjustment to Suspicion
Ethical Reflections


CHAPTER 8: Social Penetration Theory
of Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor

Personality Structure: A Multilayered Onion
Closeness Through Self-Disclosure
The Depth and Breadth of Self- Disclosure
Regulating Closeness on the Basis Rewords and Costs
A Simple Notion Becomes More Complex in Practice

CHAPTER 9: Uncertainty Reduction Theory
of Charles Berger

Uncertainty Reduction: To Predict and explain
An Exiomatic Theory: Certainty about Uncertainty
Theorems: The Logical Force of Uncertainty Axioms
Strategies to Cope with Certain Uncertainty
Questions to Sharpen Your Focus

CHAPTER 10: Social Information Processing Theory
of Joseph Walther

CMC Versus Face-to-Face: A Sip Instead of a Gulp
Verbal Cues of Affinity Replace Nonverbal Cues
Extended Time-The Crucial Variable in CMC
Hyperpersonal Perspective: It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This
Critique: Walther's Candid Assessment

CHAPTER 11: Relational Dialectics
of Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery

The Tag-of-War Dialectics of Close Relationships
Three Dialectics that Affect Relationships
Integration and Sepreation
A Second Generation of Relational
Critique: Meeting the Criteria for a Good Interpretive Theory

CHAPTER 12: The Interactional View
of Paul Watzlawick

The Family as a System
Axioms of Interpersonal Comunications
Trapped in a System with no Place to Go
Reframing: Changing the Game by Changing the Rules
Critique: Adjustments Needed within the System
Questipns toSharpen Your Focus

CHAPTER 13: Constructivism
of Jesse Delia

Role Category Questionnaire Instructions
Personal Constructs as Evidence of Cognitive Complexity
Scoring the RCQ for Construct Differentiation
Person -Centred Messages-The Interpersonal Edge
Message Production: Crafting Goal-Bases Plans for Action


CHAPTER 14: Social Judgment Theory
of Muzafer Sherif

Three Attitude Zones: Acceptance, Rejection, and Noncommitment
Ego-Envolvement: Hoe Much Do You Care?
Judging the Mesage: Contrast and Assimilation Errors
Discrepancy and Attitude Change
Prctical Advice for the Persuader

CHAPTER 15: Elaboration Likelihood Model
0f Richard Petty and John Cacioppo

The Central and Peripheral Routes: Alternative Paths to Persuasion
Motivation for Elaboration: Is it Worth the Effort?
Ability for Elaboration: Can they Do It?
Type of Elaboration: Objective Versus Biased Thinking
Elaborated Argument:s: Strong, Weak, and Neutral

CHAPTER 16: Cognitive Dissonance Theory
of Leon Festinger

Dissonance: Discord Between Behavior and Belief
Three Hypotheses: Ways to Reduce Dissonance Between Attitudes and Actions
Hypothesis 1: Selective Exposure Prevents Dissonance
Hypothesis 2: Postdecision Dissonance Creats a Need for Reassurance
Hypothesis 3: Minimal Justification for Action Induces a Shift in Attitude

Group Decision Making

CHAPTER 17: Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making
of Randy Hirokawa and Dennis Gouran

Four Functions of Effective Decision Making
Prioritizing the Functions
The Role of Communication in Fulfilling the Functions
From the Tiny Pond to the Big Ocean
Practical Advice for Amateurs

CHAPTER 18: Adaptive Structuration Theory
of Marshall Scott Poole

Pashing out the Phase Model
Structuration According to Giddens
Interaction: Concerns of Morality, Communication, and Power
The Use and Abuse of Rules and Resources
Researching the Use of Rules and Resources


CHAPTER 19: Information System Approach to Organizations
of Karl Weick

Organizing: Making Sense Out of Equivocal Information
Sensemaking in a Loosely Coupled System
Organizing to Survive in a Changing Environment
The Three-Stage Process of Socio-Cultural Evolution
Critique: The Strength and Weakness of Metaphor

CHAPTER 20: Cultural Approach to Organizations
of Clifford Geertz and Michael Pacanowsky

Culture as a Mtaphor of Organizational Life
What Culture is; What Culture is Not
Tick Description-What Ethnographers Do
Metaphors: Taking Language Seriously
The Symbolic Interpretation of Story Stories at Dixie

CHAPTER 21: Critical Theory of Communication Approach to Organizations
of Stanley Deetz

Cprporate Coronization of Everyday Life
Information Versus Communication : A Difference that Makes a Difference
Strategy: Overt Managerial Moves to Extend Control
Consent: Willing Allegiance to Covert Control
Involvement: Free Expression of Ideas, but Not Voice


CHAPTER 22: The Rhetoric
of Aristotle

Rhetoric: Making Persuasion Probable
Rhetorical Proof: Logos, Ethos, Pathos
Ethical Proof: Perceived Source Credibility
The Five Canons of Rhetoric
Critique: Standing the Test of Time

CHAPTER 23: Dramatism
of Kenneth Burke

Identification : Without it, Thereis no Persuation
The Dramatistic Pentad
Guilt-Redemption Cycle: The Root of All Rhetoric
A Rhetorical Critique Using Dramatistic Insight
Critique: Evaluating the Critic's Analysis

CHAPTER 24: Narrative Paradigm
of Walter Fisher

Telling a Compelling Story
Narration and Paradigm: Defining the Terms
Paradgim Shift: Froma Rational World
Narrative Rationality: Coherence and Fidelity
Critique: Does Fisher's Story Have Coherence and Fidelity?

Media and Cultures

CHAPTER 25: Semiotics
of Ronald Barthes

Wrestling with Signs
The Yellow Ribbon Transiformation: From Forgiveness to Pride
The Making of Myth: Stripping the Sign of Its History
Unmasking the Myth of a Homogeneous Society
The Semiotics of Mass Communication: ''i'd Like to Be Like Mike

CHAPTER 26: Cultural Studies
of Stuart Hall

The media Aas Powerful Ideological Tools Early Cultural Critics
Making Meaning
Corporate Control of Mass Communication
The Media Role in 1991 gULF wAR
pOST-9/11 mEDIA cOVERAGE: The Cihill of Constraints


CHAPTER 27: Cultivation Theory
of George Gerbner

An Index of Violence
Equal Violence, Unequal Risk
Establishinf a Viewer Profile
Minds Plowed by Television Grow

CHAPTER 28: Agenda-Setting Theory
of Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw

The Original Agenda: Not What to Think, but What to Think About
A Theory Whose Time Had Come
Media Agenda and Public Agenda: A Close Match
What Causes What?
Who Sets The Agenda For The Agenda Setters?

CHAPTER 29: Spiral of Silence
of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

A Quasi-Statistical Organ Sensing the Climate of Opinion
Fear of Isolation: The Engine Yhat Drives the Spiral Of Silence
The Powerful Role Of Mass Media
A Time to Speak and a Time to Keep Silent
The Hard Core and Avant-Garde: Holdouts and Who Can Change The World

Intercultural Communication

CHAPTER 30: Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory
of William Gudykunst

Enter the Stranger
Effective Communication: Thwarted by Anxiety and Uncertainty
Mindfulness: Conscious Choice Rather Than Scripted Behavior
Causes of Anxiety and Uncertainty in Intercultural Encounters

CHAPTER 31: Face-Negotiation Theory
of Stella-Ting Toomey

Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures
Self-Construal: Varied Self-Images Within a Culture
The Multiple Faces of Face
Predictable Styles of Conflict Management
Application: Competent Intercultural Facework

CHAPTER 32: Speech Codes Theory
of Gerry Philipsen

The Distictiveness of Speech Codes
The Multiplicity of Speech Codes
The Substance of Speech Codes
The Interpretation Of Speech Codes
The Site of Speech Codes

Gender and Communication

CHAPTER 33: Genderlect Styles
of Deborah Tannen

When Harry Met Sally: The Clash of Two Cultures
Women's Desire for Connection Versus Men's Desire for Status
Rapport Talk Versus Report Talk
''Now You're Beginning to Understand''
Critique: Is Tannen Soft on Research and Men?

CHAPTER34: Standpoint Theory
of Sandra Harding and Julia T. Wood

A Feminist Standpoint Rooted in Philosophy and Literature
Wmen as Maginalized Group
Knowledge From Knowhere Versus Local Knowledge
Strong Objectivity: Less Partial Views From The Standpoint of Women
Theory to Practice: Communication Research Based Women's Lives

CHAPTER 35: Muted Group Theory
of Cheris Kramarae

Muted Groups: Black Holes in Someone Else's Universe
The Masculine Power to Name Experience
Men as The Getkeepers of Communication
The Unfulfilled Promise of the Internet
Women's Truth into Men's Talk: The Problem of Translation

Communication Theory

CHAPTER 36: Order Out of Chaos
Ploting Theories on an Objective -Interpretive Scale
''On the One Hand . . . On the Other''
Four Options for Scholars: Reject, Respect, Cooperate, Merge
A Final Note

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9780073010182 0073010189 (softcover : alk. paper)



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